Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Eve

This was our first Christmas in years that we did not have to travel. I didnt know what to do with just being able to go down the road and then get to be at home right away!...especially with it being so cold and raining and with both girls WORN out!!
Christmas Eve day we just relaxed around the house since I had the stomach bug watching Christmas cartoons and making cookies for Santa! (While Daddy worked ALL day on Santa stuff!!)
Christmas Eve night we went to First Baptist Church of Jacksonville for their Christmas Eve service. It was beautiful! I loved that we got to go to church and do the true meaning of Christmas. Alexis got to stay out with us to enjoy it! She made me nervous with the lit candle but it was so special to have her with us and to see how excited she was and to watch her as we sang the Christmas carols. She even took her first Communion too! She wasnt sure of what to do but she followed along great except for drinking the grape juice before she was supposed to! :)
After church we went to Gran's to eat dinner and open Christmas presents from her. Nannie and Hogan and Pam and Brandon joined us to eat and do presents too! After all of that....we headed home with two sleepy girls, put out the cookies and milk for Santa and went to bed!

Smiling before Church

In front of the Church Christmas tree!

Goodness it is hard to get them to take a picture! :)

Opening presents!!

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