Monday, December 17, 2012

Morris Family Christmas 2012

Sunday we loaded up and headed to Birmingham for Nannie's side of the family's Christmas. This year we had it at Lana's farmhouse right down from her house. It rained soooo hard on us the whole time we drove but we were still glad to we went to see everybody and eat some good food! Nannie has a brother and sister, Wayne and Bobbie. Wayne has two their families and Bobbie has three girls plus their families. Not to mention Nannie and her three girls and their families! We had alot of people even though not everybody was able to make it this year.
 These three above are the reason we have the Morris Family Christmas. Nannie, Wayne and Bobbie!

Tyler and Blake with their bellies full! :)

Miss Meg and Lily!

Laura and LaLa

Monika (Wayne's wife), Wayne, Hogan, Nannie and Pam

 The "cool" table! :)

Alexis felt sooo grown up hanging out with the older girls...Allison and Anna Katherine!

These two would NOT stay off the was their favorite game the whole time we were there! (besides stomping their feet too)

 This was from last year. We had it at Bobbie's house. The three girls beside Alexis are Stacie's little girls..(Wayne's daughter). Alexis had so much fun playing with them! They didnt get to make it this year because they were at Disneyworld.

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