Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our 15th month old teddy bear!

Lily is 15 months old today! Everyday I look at her and just fall more and more in love with her! She is the most sweet and lovable baby! Happy 15 months my sweet girl!

Some things Lily has been up to:

She has started this funny thing where when I tell her no or to stop doing something...she will stop whatever it is and throw her hand up and say "Hey!" while waving her hand with the softest voice and biggest smile. (I dont know where she has learned this or who taught her this...but it is like she does it to get your mind off the fact that she is in trouble!) :)

On another the past couple of days she has started saying "Momma" (like three or so times in a row really fast) in this deep grunt creepy kind of voice when she wants me to hold her or let her sit in my lap. Tyler calls it her "Gremlin" voice (like the furry..creepy Gremlins off that movie!) ha! I dont like it when she does it but for some reason she thinks she needs to say my name in that tone/voice to get me to do something these days!

She has really started dancing more too....when any kind of music comes on!

She loves to spin in circles! I have the cutest video of her where she is spinning and spinning around. She will get dizzy and stop and you can tell when she feels like she is not dizzy anymore because she started going in circles again!

She has started to love to write and color. I try and not let her much because the crayons always end up in her mouth...but she will flip the coloring book pages and "color" and she also loves the draw pad magnetic board to write on also!

Right now her favorite foods are green beans, any kind of fruit, cheese, animal crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, broccoli and corn!

She is really congested and has a runny nose and eyes today since she woke up.I checked her mouth and she has two back teeth on the top and two small teeth on the bottom coming in all at once! (poor thing)

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