Saturday, December 29, 2012

week in a nutshell!

This week has been filled with alot of Christmas memories! We had our very first Christmas in our new home and we are so thankful for it! I loved getting the house decorated and having that warm cozy holiday feeling! Daddy worked soooo hard helping Santa with the trampoline and getting everything ready for Christmas day! We were hit with the stomach bug while we have been out for Christmas vacation. It started with Lily..and was passed to me and then Tyler. So far, Alexis has been in the clear. Lily had to go to the doctor yesterday and my sweet baby got her first "sick shot" :( She has bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection. So needless to say we have been resting alot around here, which has been nice! I cant believe this is the last week of 2012. The year really has flown by! We have had alot of change in year 2012 with the Law Family and I am just so blessed with everything the Lord has done and continue to do with our family. I can not wait to see what 2013 brings!

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