Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Day!!!

Since we went to bed way past our bed times on Christmas Eve....Daddy and I had to wait...and wait....for the girls to wake up! It was killing me!! :) But finally...they did....and Santa came!!!
**Funny story!...the day before (Christmas Eve morning...Alexis comes crying in our bedroom saying Santa forgot about her!! She said but Mommy, he forgot about Lily too..and she is always good! ha! (OHHH me!!)
I explained to her that he was coming tomorrow morning not today! Well..Alexis goes "Mommy, you said he was coming in two days..and today is day 2. So, I had to explain more that Santa didnt forget about them, and that he comes tonight (Christmas Eve) when she sleeps and so I think she understood, because Christmas morning she was soooo excited that he had come!!

Santa brought alot of fun things....such as a new (fake) kitty cat for Alexis. She has been begging for a cat...well we are not having a real cat for awhile for a number of a fake cat is what she got! ;)
and the most fun thing...a trampoline!! The girls were so excited and Alexis was soo funny! She said that she did a great job making cookies and that Santa loved them because he ate them all!
After seeing what all Santa brought...we got cleaned up and went and had Christmas with Nan and Pawpaw. Nan had a great lunch ready for us and we opened presents with them.
Christmas Day night we went over to Nannie's house for dinner and did presents with everybody there. We had just got done with that............when the stomach bug hit Tyler :(.....but despite that we had a great Christmas!! :)

 Alexis 's excited face! She was sooo surprised that Santa brought her a trampoline!

Seeing what all Santa brought!

You must check out what is in your stockings! That is where alot of the best stuff is! :)

The girls in their Christmas pajamas that Ella Jingle brought them before she left to go back to the North Pole
and Alexis with her new kitty cat...named Sugar pie!

Alexis loved her new dollhouse!

 I love this picture of the girls playing so nice together! :)

The gang!

Nannie and her girls!

Me and my little family!.......Tyler was too funny, he wanted to wear his new sweater in the picture with the size sticker still on it!

Mal and Lex

Love! :)

All the girls and our boots!!

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