Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! May everyone's new year be the best yet!
 I had to work on New Years Eve :(... but when I got off work, I headed home to get the girls ready and we all went to Logans to meet Mom, Pam and Ben for dinner. After we finished eating, the girls went with everyone else over to Pam's house to watch Dick Clark's New Years Eve show while Tyler and I had a movie date!
When we got over to Pam's house two little girls were tired so we headed home and Tyler and I actually made it until 11:30 before we just couldn't stay up any longer! ha! Talk about feeling old! ha!
New Year's Day was soooo nasty! It rained the entire day and was so cold! We ended up canceling all plans and just hung out at home in our pajamas all day watching movies and playing games together! It was nice to not have to rush off anywhere for one day and just relax, because the next day was back to work and school!
I can not wait to see what 2013 brings! I already know one thing that is coming in 2013...and that is Alexis will be starting Kindergarten! I just can NOT believe it is that time already! I just can't wrap my head around the fact that she is old enough for school!! May baby is officially not a baby more and more everyday!

Miss Thang 1!! You know you have to look your best to ring in the New Year!!  :)

and Miss Thang 2!! You have to make sure you have on your New Years special outfit!

The two sassy pants showing off their modeling poses before we left for dinner! ha!

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