Tuesday, January 29, 2013

back roads and country songs...

I love days like today! When there are blue skies and puffy white big clouds and the car thermoter says 71! On my way home this afternoon, I had the sunroof back and the radio up! I have found myself switching the station more and more to the XM Country station. Now dont get me wrong...I drive alot with no music on...just in pure silence...and I LOVE it...pure silence..it is nice!  Especially when I get home to loudness! :)
But, when I do want to "crank" up the music, County seems to win out! I love all genres of music...well you know most of it, not heavy medal stuff though! ha!
Have you ever listened to a good ole country song? You can find some good life answers in them sometimes!! I am serious...listen to it!
For example:
"I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean...whenever one door closes...I hope one more opens"
Talk about WOW!....that is some good stuff to think about and remember! I could go on and on with lyrics from some great songs!
You can find me in the afternoons...cruising down the back roads....listening to some good ole Country!

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