Thursday, January 24, 2013

Makes my heart smile

I find myself daily getting caught up in the "big picture" of life ~ the "grand scheme" of things. But, life isnt always about the "big" picture...the little things really do matter the most! I wanted to "document" for my memory's sake some things lately that have made my heart smile!

~One of the biggest things that makes my heart smile soooo much is when I pick up the girls in the afternoons. I absolutely love when I walk through the door to get Lily and she comes running to me with a huge smile on her face and her arms out stretched for me to pick her up! It makes me so happy inside that she is so excited to see me! ~ On the same note....when I walk out to get Alexis...she comes running to me from the playground screaming "Mommy...Mommy!"

~My heart smiles sooo big when every afternoon, when I cook, Alexis asks to help me. She always asks questions on how to do to you make this or that...etc....she wants to learn and is truly loving being up there with me cooking! The most sweet thing that brings a smile to my heart is when we are eating....she will tell me how good whatever I cooked is and that she loves for me to cook! I just love how she is so genuine and caring when she says it! (It makes all the "slaving" away in the kitchen and the mess of a cleanup much more enjoyable to do knowing that it was all worth it for them!)

~Seeing Alexis and Lily interacting/playing together makes my heart smile too! I just love how Lily is getting older and able to interact with Alexis more and more. Lily loves to do everything Alexis does! I just love to watch them interact and be sisters!

~One of the most precious things that brings a smile to my heart is listening to Alexis sing after we put her to bed at night. For about 30 minutes every night...she will just sing..and sing! She sings herself to sleep! She goes from one another song..back to another song ...then to a next song! We never know what we are going to hear her in there singing! Tyler paused the TV the other night..and we sat in the living room and listened to her sing ...and we just cracked up at her! She was singing a Christmas song (even though it is not Christmas anymore)...the song "Noel..Noel"! She sings so beautiful too...she can really hit some good notes!! :)

~This morning made my heart smile SO big! Pretty much every morning, I am gone before the girls ever get up. Well, this morning..either the girls woke up extra early....or I woke up extra late :) .....but I got to see the girls this morning. I went into Lily's room and as soon as I walked in I heard her (in her most sweet...excited...soft...little...voice ...saying "Daddeee ...Daddeee!" She is always use to Tyler getting her up and it was soooooo soooooo sweet to me to hear her calling his name and so excited for him to be getting her! Well, when I cut her lamp on and she saw that it was me, she smiled so big and was so excited to see me too!

~Also this I was about to walk out the door, Alexis came into the kitchen. As soon as she walked around the corner....she just looked so beautiful to me! Her daddy had brushed her hair so neatly and fixed it into the most perfect ponytail! It made my heart smile because he took the extra time (that come know men dont...especially to fix a girl's hair) put her hair up like she wanted into an adorable ponytail! He did such a great job on it and just the little things like that just pulled at my heart strings! :)

In my almost 31 years of life...I have learned that life is so short! You should always...always be thankful and treasure the little things that makes your heart smile!

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