Monday, January 21, 2013

A Day in the life....

A Day in the life of a Princess...or two! We have enjoyed our long weekend, even though both girls were up at 5:30 this morning ready to go! I could not even tell you what it use to be like to sleep late! :) We had most of our day played and done before most people were even out of bed on this holiday Monday! The girls have enjoyed playing dress up this in their kitchen....coloring...watching movies...playing doctor...and back to dress up! That is exactly the way a day in the life of a Princess should be!
Lily cracked me up watching her try and walk in Alexis' Princess slippers! She got to be pretty good at walking in them by lunch time! ha!

This is Alexis dressed in her Princess attire! ............this picture was taken at 7:00 yes we still had our pjs on..and the hair was not brushed yet! :)

And here is Lily wearing her Princess attire too! She is sooo cute walking in her "glass slippers!" :)

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