Saturday, January 26, 2013

Birthday in Heaven

Today is my Dad's birthday in Heaven. I can only imagine how special and wonderful of a day he is having there. I miss him everyday and just cant believe how fast time has flown...that it has been almost 3 years since he past already. He was the best dad and best Pops and I am so thankful to know that I can look up and know that he is smiling down on me. I love and miss you Dad, happy birthday.

This was our last trip together. Nannie surprised everyone and took us all on a cruise! We had sooo much fun and made so many memories! I am so thankful Nannie took us all on this trip to Cozumel Mexico!

My Dad was soooo excited to become Pops! He loved Alexis more than anything and I could just see the joy and happiness in his face everytime he was around her!

This is such a great picture of him to me!

This was Alexis' first Easter. We took this picture at the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham when they and Tyler's parents came to church and visited with us.

My Dad loved to go down to the beach to stay at their condo! ** I will never forget taking these beach pictures! Dad was in such a bad mood because he said "We are at the beach and I dont want to get dressed up and wear this!".............well........these pictures are priceless now...and SO glad I MADE him wear this and take pictures! :)

This was the very last picture taken of my Dad. This was at Alexis' 2nd birthday party. He died a couple of weeks after this picture was taken, July 22, 2010. It was the day before mine and Tyler's five year wedding anniversary......

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