Saturday, January 26, 2013

Livin life...

This week has been a pretty busy one. I dont know why...but when I have a short week due to a holiday...I cant seem to get caught up from it. For example, my days are off. On Tuesday, I think it is Monday..etc. I do LOVE short weeks because that means I am closer to the weekend though! :)
Monday we enjoyed MLK day off. Tuesday was back to the grind of work/school. We had dinner over at Pam's house to catch up with the family. Wednesday was Awana night! Alexis just loves this night every week! Thursday we had dinner with Nan an Pawpaw.
I started a book study Thursday night with a bunch of great woman that I have met. I am really excited about it! The book is called "Unglued." It is about helping you learn to become less "unglued" in situations where you feel you are about to! (Judging by the first night of studying this book with the girls....I think I am going to learn alot!) I just hope for myself that I will/can apply what I am learning to my everyday life! I am holding myself accountable! :)
And Friday night we went to dinner with Mom and Ben. I have loved this week because I have had a break in the kitchen department! :)
And today....whew today is Saturday! We have continued the "going..going...going" today. Alexis was so excited about Ella's birthday party today! We have never been to the Imagination Place in Gadsden, but it was such a cute place! It was set up as sections for the kids to just go crazy! There was a section that was made into a bank...a grocery store...a tree house....a doctor's office.... etc! OH... my girls had soooo much fun! Lily was just having a ball! She thought she was sooo grown up! It was a great little party and Ella is such a cutie! We had lunch after at our favorite..Popeyes...and then we did some shopping before we headed home to relax! Alexis played so hard today that I went into her room only to find her passed out on her bed sound asleep tonight! So now...Tyler and I are curled up watching a UFC fight together that Tyler loves. (I am a great wife for watching this with him!) :)
Tomorrow will be church and hopefully followed by more relaxing! :)

Sweet friends! Alexis and Ella!

Little miss shopper!

OH Lily!....she was SO funny! She would take everything out of the basket..and then put it all back in...and then take it all back out again!!

Daddy and Lily ready for cake...even though Lily didnt want to put down the balls she found!

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