Friday, January 4, 2013

1st week in 2013...

Well, the first week in 2013 has already come and gone. It is crazy how time flies so fast! So far, the first week of the new year for us has been a great one. Lily is finally getting over her bronchitis/upper respiratory infection, and the stomach bug has left our home also! (Thank you...thank you!!). Tyler and the girls got adjusted back into the groove of going back to work/school since their Christmas vacation was over this week. I am sooo jealous that they get off as long as they do...while I have to work!!
 Hazel came over to our house this week to give the girls their gifts from her since we didn't get a chance to go visit since we all were sick during Christmas. She is sooo thoughtful! She got Lily a pair of the cutest sock monkey house shoes and Alexis got a beautiful purple butterfly necklace. Both gifts were perfect for each girl! Hazel loved the scarf that the girls got her also! :) I thought Awanas started back this week....but when Tyler took Alexis, we found out it is next week! Alexis was so sad that she didnt get to go!
Thursday, I took the girls to Birmingham with me so they could spend the day with LaLa and Meagan! So sad Mal had to work! :( They all enjoyed the McWayne Center! The girls had SO much fun there. Lana said she couldn't get them to leave!
Thank goodness today is Friday though! haha....!!!...I love the weekends! I am just ready for it to start being warmer weather though!!..........I do NOT like cold weather! :)

Alexis loved playing in the snow at the McWayne Science Center!

 Lily's favorite thing was playing in the water tub with all of the water toys!

Meg was such a great babysitter!! :)

And....the McWayne Center wore the girls out!..........even Alexis (who always thinks she doesn't need a nap...couldn't fight it!)...and look at Miss Sassy with her legs crossed and all!! :)

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