Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sunshine oh how we love you!

Once the flood finally ended this week, the weekend has come and it has been beautiful so far! We had four straight days of nothing but rain and no sunshine and cold! Talk about starting to feel moldy and pale! To cap the end of the week we did have some snow too. Strange ole Alabama weather...the very next day was in low 60s and sunshine! It has been an interesting week with the weather to say the least...but at least it looks like the Law household is finally all feeling better..FINALLY!!
This week was some what low key for us since we have all still been trying to get our energy back from all being sick and because we would have needed a boat to go outside as well! ; )
Alexis had Awanas Wednesday night where she got another patch for her vest! She was so proud to show me it when she got home!
Friday night I had a WAY past due dinner night with Misty! Kelly ended up not being able to come, so Misty and I met and caught up! Girl time is great sometimes to "recharge"!.....
Today was the day that Alexis has been waiting on ALL week! Everyday since Monday she would ask me when Saturday was going to get here! We left this morning and hit the road to Birmingham. It was great to get back to our old stomping ground for a little bit! We did some shopping before we met the Rigney's for lunch at Superior Grill. Talk about some great Mexican food! Yum!! Alexis was soooo excited to see Payton! We took the kids to Treetop to play for a little while and then headed to their house after to catch up! It is always fun to hang out with them!
We have a long weekend with it being Martin Luther King weekend. I am looking forward to having Monday off to enjoy spending more family time together and relaxing!

Little Miss Lily carrying around all of her purses...she usually has more than 2 that she carries! ha!

Nan got Lily some new gloves and when I tried them on her...she didnt know what to do! It was SO funny to watch her with them on! She just stared at her hands...and then she would try and move her fingers. It was hilarious! 

 The crew was back together again! This is the first picture of everybody! The last picture we made...Lily was just a baby and Eva wasnt born yet! Now look how grown everybody is! :)

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