Friday, January 11, 2013

sick. and. sick. and. ughhh. sick.

This week has been a rough one for us. We have just gotten over the stomach bug....and Lily having bronchitis/upper respiratory infection....but THIS week....has just been one that is going down in history to be a not so great one!
Tyler woke up Monday morning and went to the doctor when he finally could get out of bed, only to find out that he has Mono!....I know...Mono! Crazy right!? He has been miserable!  He was out of work for two days with that....and should have been out longer if truth be told! He is still not feeling 100% but he is resting alot and getting better!
I woke up feeling bad this week, so I went to the good ole doc only to find out that bronchitis had been passed down to me :( I was out of work two days too! Well, Thursday (the last day I was going to be out...I was going to make myself go back to work today...) I got a call from Lily's school that she had a fever and that I needed to come pick her up! I made an appointment and guess what!?!? THE FLU! Yep...the Flu! With the Flu shot and everything! OH happy day right!? So, Friday I took off again....(so three days now in one week all for sickness) I have never been off three days in a row...EVER...for sickness! to go to the beach...YES!
So....we are all trying to recover...and hopefully all of the nasty sick bugs will leave us alone! I am ready for  2013 to finally be sick free for a little bit at least! Thank the good Lord though, Alexis has not had one single anything that all the rest of us have had! Talk about one strong little girl! Thank you, thank you! Dr. Sabens gave me a prescription to start giving her so hopefully she wont get the Flu from Lily! Keep your fingers crossed...and Tyler and I too! :)

Look at ALL of this mess!........and Tyler's medicine isnt even in this picture! I hope something in here is helping!!

We have been doing alot of this!! Sweet baby!........the more rest the better!

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