Thursday, January 10, 2013

Growing like a weed!

Lily is 16 months this week! She is growing up so fast! She understands the world around her more and more everyday. She knows what she wants/likes and what she doesnt.
She has added more vocabulary these days....much to which none of us can understand at all, but she knows exactly what she is saying!
She has added the word dog and huh? to her list that we can understand!
She is full swing into running now. She is full force ahead!
She has just started to be interested in movies/cartoons. Alexis by this age LOVED Mickey Mouse clubhouse and whenever the song would come on...she would start dancing...Lily, has been just too busy with everything else to be interested in sitting down!
She loves to grab some of Alexis' markers ...or crayons and color. She will just scribble and scribble!
She constantly has to have a purse or two or five around her arms and neck at all times. She will walk around the house with them dragging around her!
She loves Alexis to push her in their doll stroller. It is soooo funny to watch this! Lily will go sit in it..and point to Alexis for her to push her. She will lift her legs up too so they dont drag the ground! ha!
She is obsessed with mine or Tyler's computer. We can not leave them for a second because she will be over there "typing"!
Happy 16 months Lily bug! :)

I love how she has her little feet crossed while she is eating! :)

And this is how you can find her most afternoons these days!....she thinks she is so "big" to get to sit up on the couch by herself. She MUST have her toys...her house shoes...and her blanket up there with her at all times. She will stand by the couch, with all of her stash and say" up Up UP"...until you put her up there! I have had to get on to her some though...because she thinks she can stand up on the couch! ...or throw everything off the couch and then wants you to pick it up and give it back to her or she will throw a little fit! :)
She is just not quite big enough yet to get up there by herself...but when that day comes, she is going to be in hog heaven! :)
**but yes she can get down by herself...which makes it a pain for Mommy because I have to then turn around and put her back up there! ha!

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