Sunday, December 9, 2012

Bad idea Ella Jingle!!

We have had a great week this week. It has been kind of low key, which is good sometimes! We went this weekend to the Douglasville Mall to finish up a little Christmas shopping with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi. The Mall was a madhouse to say the least with everyone trying to finish up their shopping too, but we had fun anyways!
Our Elf, Ella Jingle, had a bad idea this morning! So far...Alexis has loved everything Ella Jingle has done.... such as giving her little Christmas necklaces etc...but not today. Ella Jingle decided to make Alexis look like Rudolph! Oh me...I laughed soooo hard!!
Alexis came into our bedroom this morning and what was so funny was Lily started pointing at her and I had to play along...
I was like uh oh Alexis what is on your nose?? Alexis goes "I dont know" I told her to run into her bathroom (where I had left Ella Jingle holding the red marker) Next thing I know, I hear her crying!! She comes running into our room crying ....saying Ella Jingle turned her into Rudolph!! Then she goes "Mommy, why did Ella Jingle turn me into Rudolph??...I am not brown and I dont look like a Rudolph!" took all I could to not laugh in front of her!! She was soo upset!! She ran in the bathroom and got some toilet paper and tried to wipe off the marker. Well.... it wouldnt come that made her cry more! She would NOT take the paper away from her nose! She said that since it wouldnt come off, that she was just going to leave the paper over it all day! hahaha!
Luckily, Mommy to the rescue....a little water and soap got the marker off!! :) She said she was mad at Ella Jingle and that she better not do anything like that again! (Note to self! :) )

Alexis covering her nose because she didnt want anyone to see her nose!

The red nose like Rudolph! :)  Such a pitiful face...she did not like waking up to a red nose!!

Lily eating a snack while shopping...such a multi-tasker!!

She had alot of fun driving her taxi buggy through the Mall!

Alexis shopping too!

My silly girls making funny faces while I am trying to get them to take a good picture before we left for church! :)

Lily has been sooo fascinated with the ornaments!

Sweet smile

She is growing up WAY to fast!

This is a flashback picture of Alexis when she wore the dress Lily is now wearing. Alexis was a couple of months older than Lily in this picture!
not just a fascination with ornaments..but with Mr. Snowman too!!

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