Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas parties at school!

We have had a great week this week! For it to be the week before Santa comes, it has gone by fast! I thought for sure this week would drag on since I am ready for Christmas break! We havent done much this week since it has been rainy and starting to get REALLY cold. We loaded up Wednesday night and took the girls to look at Christmas lights around town. Alexis loved seeing all of the different color lights and blow ups! Thursday Alexis and Lily had their Christmas parties at school! Alexis had a pajama Christmas party! She doesnt really like pjs...(she is always ready to get out of her pjs and put on her regular clothes during the weekends!)...but she had fun wearing her pjs for her party though! The girls ate yummy snacks and opened presents from their friends and teachers! They even got to have a rare treat of watching a movie!
Alexis was soooo excited that she opened her gift and it was a new Ariel doll!! She loves The Little Mermaid!! Lily's class had a book swap. She got a cute little Santa book!

Lily opening her Christmas book!

She loves her to read her book!

After they opened their presents...they had their snacks!!

Lily looks sooooo grown up in this picture to me!! Just look at them being soooo good sitting there watching the movie! :)

Alexis and her friends eating their yummy food before they opened their gifts!

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