Thursday, October 17, 2013

Black Thursday!

Wearing black today seemed appropriate with the weather the way it is! It has been a dark, rainy and gloomy day outside! Today's color day is Black! I was kind of "ify" about her wearing all black...but she does look cute! :)

Just a glimpse into our day so far....

Can we say drama?! {These events happened right back to back too!}
Lily was walking in our kitchen {and by the way...she is accident prone!} She can be walking perfectly fine and then just fall out of no where! Well...that is what happened! She was walking and fell flat on our hard tile floor! Face first! BUT.....she got right up and just kept on walking like nothing even happened!
Then enters the drama! :) Alexis {right after Lily fell hard on our floor and not even a peep} starts trying to take a necklace around her neck off. As she is trying to get it gets caught on her ear! would have thought it was the end of the world! She starts saying " eaaaarrrrr......iit isssss stuck!!! OOHHHH OOHHHHH OHHHHH OHHH!" {As she is doing this dramatic voice and cry!!} All she had to do was lift it up over her ear and it would have been fine!! It wasnt even hurting was just stuck!
Tyler and I looked at each other and said......yeah we for sure know who our drama child is! :)

Lily's daycare wrote a note to us this afternoon saying that they want to take a break with Lily wearing big girl panties to school! I must agree! I am tired of having to wash poop panties every afternoon! Maybe one day soon my pooping queen with poop in the potty and not in her panties! :)

On another note, Alexis has been having a reading page that she has to read each night. If we feel like she has read the words well enough then the next day she gets a new sheet. If not, then she has to keep practicing the sheet she has until we think she has mastered it. She has done pretty good with the sheets. Some words are kind of tough for her but she is getting most of them down pretty well.
Well...Tyler has started tonight making her say a certain word that she misses 10 times while she stares at the word! OH ME! :) She is in the kitchen right now staring at the word 'this' while saying it 10 times! I dont know if this is child torture or a good learning tool...but hopefully it will help her learn the words! :)

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