Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Sunday!

Today is the Sunday before we had to wear our cute Halloween outfits to Church! We have had a busy busy weekend, with an even busier week and weekend coming up!

I worked the ACT test at JSU yesterday morning while Daddy, Alexis and Lily went to Callie's 2nd birthday! They had fun playing outside, in the bouncy house and eating cake while I was watching and making sure kids didnt cheat on the test! :)
As I sat watching the kids taking the test, it was neat to see how they handled "stress."  Most girls played with their hair and most guys tapped their pencil as they thought! :) It was funny to watch them all move their mouths as they read and roll their eyes to the sky when they were frustrated! :) I looked around the room and just pictured all of those kids as older adults. Where will all of the young kids end up in life? Lawyers, doctors?? I couldnt help but picture in my head Alexis and Lily sitting in those desks! How will they look, how will they be when they are that age? It made me smile to think about them sitting there taking the ACT and knowing that they have so much life left to live and knowing that their future has sooo many memories ahead! :) We enjoyed the afternoon watching Auburn stomp Florida Atlantic! I am sooo glad Auburn is having a great season! Let the 'Gus bus' keep rolling!! :)

Sweet girls!
Alexis had to have her cat in the picture! :)

Sweet Lily! This is her first time to wear this little cute outfit! She is 2 wearing it for the first time! Year 2013! :) is Alexis wearing it for the first time when she was 2! The year was 2010! :)

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