Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall in!

Today was 'Fall in' at work! For it to be my first was great! We had a huge turn out of students who ate and participated in the Halloween costume contest! It was alot of fun to see all of the different costumes!
All because of Mrs. Cindy Tubbs, I was transformed into a Zombie dead old student nurse! She is the Lab Director...and she had WAY TOOOOOO much fun with me and with all of her "goodies" that she uses for her dummies in the lab! :)
I scared myself! Everyone kept telling me that I had to go home after and wash my face because I would end of scaring the living daylights out of Alexis and Lily if they saw me! :)
Cant wait for the next one! :)
I did go home and wash my face before the girls saw me! :)

It was hard to get work done trying to "act" like a Zombie...and also hard to not smile!
Some of the cute students! :)
My co~workers!
We had a huge turnout! The line was wrapped around the hallway full of hungry students!

The Halloween costume contest with some of the students! Minnie Mouse won!! :)

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