Friday, November 1, 2013

Fun at the Community center!

We have been busy busy busy with all the Fall festivals! Us girls met Gran and went to the Jacksonville's Community Centers Fall Festival! It was a great night to be out! The girls had soooo much fun getting candy and playing the games! There was a big crowd and Alexis loved seeing her friends that was there!
They had scary music playing and I bet Lily asked Gran at least 10,000 times..."What's that noise?..What's that?....What's that noise!?" :)

Before we went to the Community Center's Fall Festival...Alexis had her very first "BIG" field trip at school! They went to Bennett Farms Pumpkin patch! Alexis had soooo much fun {she said riding the bus} :) and she picked out the best pumpkin!! I am sooo glad she had such a great time! :)

 I picked the girls up.....and transformed them into little miss kitty cat and little miss butterfly! :)
My beautiful kitty cat!

My beautiful butterfly!

The girls were SO excited to "decorate" their faces! :)

Gran and the girls!
Us! :)
We ran into Parker! Alexis spotted him first {even with his costume on!} She stared running up to him screaming 'hey Parker!'

The girls had fun playing games!
This was sooooo sweet! Alexis helped Lily up the stairs and they slid down together!

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