Sunday, November 17, 2013

We are done!!

Today marks day 6!!!!...of NO paci for Lily!! Whooo hoo!! I am sooo proud of her! I decided Monday night that I was done with the paci, so I handed Lily her paci and told her that she needed to throw it away because she is a big girl and pacis are for babies and is yucky! Well...she threw it in the trash and said it was yucky!
 Tyler made me get it out and wash it because he didnt think it was going to really happen! {We have a whole stash anyways...}
But that night she cried a little bit for it, but after about 10 minutes...she passed out. The next morning, she opened the trash can and started looking around in the trash for her paci! I told her it was yucky and that she couldnt get it out of the trash! She said "Ewwww!!" :)....and didnt mention it again! Well, the rest of the week was has been the same way! She will say randomly that her paci is gone in the trash! She has slept great without it all week! We are finally PACI free!! :)

Sweet Lily!!

My tree climber! :)

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