Friday, November 1, 2013

Hillcrest Fall Festival!

We went to yet another Fall Festival! We for sure have put this Halloween to good use! :) We met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi for Hillcrest Baptist Church's Trunk or Treat! It was PACKED to say the least! There were sooooo many people! I just couldnt believe how many people were there! It was another great night to be out and about also! Daddy was still in Auburn so he didnt get to go with us or to the Community Center's Fall Festival the night before! :(
The girls had alot of fun! They got candy..and played games!

Sweet Lily or aka 'Princess Minnie' girls DO like the veggies! :)
Fun Trunk or Treating!!
This is just a small picture of the massage crowd!
They both loved getting sunglasses from Go Fishing!
Brandi, Pawpaw and Minne mouse!
The little Mermaid can bowl!

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