Sunday, November 3, 2013

Birthday galore day

We were loaded to the max yesterday with our schedule! We started out with having to go to church for the Church directory pictures! I think they turned out so good! I cant wait to get them in! Lily CRACKED us up the whole time! She kept saying..."I done!"...and would work off. And the man would tell her to come back and she would say "No, I done!" and "I want to go home."

After the pictures, Alexis and I headed to a swim party!! Alexis was so excited because she said "Mommy, I get to swim when it is cold outside?!" The party was at the Anniston Aquatic Center's indoor pool.  Spencer's  birthday party was a hit! :)

After that, I had just enough time to run some errands and get home to turn around and us head to Nannie's birthday party! It was Halloween themed and we had a TON of food! It was great seeing the family!

So...after that....Tyler and I headed to Misty's first wedding shower! :) WHOOOO HOOOO!!! :)  It was at the JSU's football field house! We had more food and it was nice meeting alot of couples that I didnt know! :) Mom took the girls home for us and they enjoyed playing at home while were at the shower. Needless to say, with the time change this morning, and a busy day yesterday, we are tired! :)
 Alexis had so much fun at her friend Spencer's party!
Mal was happy to sit at the "kid" table! :)
The crew!
Meg and me!
The cool crowd! :)

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