Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween~ 2013

Due to technical computer difficulties {that just so happened to be the whole time Tyler was out of town} but magically was "fine" and "fixed" when he got back from out of town.....and Tyler being on his Turf grass conference in Auburn {so I was a single mom all week}....I have not been able to post any! I have felt out of place with not being able to! :) Soooooo needless to say, there are alot of new posts below! :)
We have had a very very very busy week! The girls got in bed way past their bedtimes all week, but they have been troopers and so good despite the lack of sleep! Tyler has been gone on his annual work conference, so it has just been us girls! :) We have had a Fall Festival every night though, so we have had things going on to keep us busy, but we still missed Daddy!

BUT...last night was Halloween~ 2013! We had a great time! I LOVE to throw my Halloween party where everyone {Gran, Nan, Pawpaw, Aunt Pam, Brandon, Richard} etc, and our friends the Grogans this year came over. I made my "famous" 'blood and eyeball' with 'green brains' spaghetti! :) We had sooo much fun!
It started out perfect weather! We took the girls up the streets with the Grogans to trick or treat! We made it to several houses when all of a sudden there were two big rain drops that hit my arm. No faster than I got it out of my mouth, "Is this rain?"...that the BOTTOM fell out! So quickly it started flooding! Everyone was like little ants trying to get out of the rain! We took shelter in a stranger's garage while we waited on Tyler to run home in the rain and get the car for us!
There were more trick or treaters last year, but there still were TONS of them this year even with the rain!
Needless to say, tonight we are resting and going to bed early! :)
Happy Halloween from Lily!
Happy Halloween from Alexis! Alexis had "character dress up day" on Halloween! She looked adorable!!
She LOVES this book! Princess Party! Daddy reads it pretty much every night! We have to tell her sometimes to pick another book because we have read this one so much! It is such a cute book! It is about cute little girls having a "Princess party" where they wear their tutus and have tea parties and spend the night parties! Alexis' favorite quote from the book is "Princesses twirl, Princesses whirl....Princesses are incredible girls!"
She could NOT wait to dress up like the main character from the book {the girl on the cover!} She HAD to wear a green shirt just like her....and she had to "pose" like how she was in the picture! :)
My good friend Tammy and I before work started! We matched in our black and orange!

The picture above...Lily and Aunt Pam!
The picture below is sweet Laynee or aka Princess Sophia...and Alexis or aka The Little Mermaid! They are ready to get candy!
The girls are pros at trick or treating
This was the view from my front door! There were lines of kids waiting for candy!....and I had a crew waiting to give it out! I think Walker, Laynee and Alexis had more fun giving out candy than anything!
I am sad that I forgot to take pictures of the food and decorations! {Imagine that, I didnt take any pictures!} :)

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