Wednesday, November 20, 2013

And the Pilgrims and Indians unite!

I am soooo thankful that I have the opportunity now to be close enough to Alexis and Lily that I get to go to their special events at their schools. Today I got the chance to help with Alexis' Thanksgiving dinner reenactment! I had to help make 130 plates loaded full of cheese, grapes, goldfish, beef jerky, pumpkin pie and popcorn! Yes, it was interesting to say the least!
It was so cute to see all the Kindergartners dressed in their Pilgrim and Indian outfits that they made all by themselves! One of their teacher's talked about the Pilgrims and Indians and how the popcorn, beef jerky, etc represented what they ate on the first Thanksgiving! I am so glad I was able to go!
All the Pilgrims and Indians!
My brave Indian! :)

And I just had to take a picture of this cutie pie! I officially dont have a baby anymore! :(

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