Friday, November 29, 2013


Both Santa's lap....and NO tears! I call that awesome and a huge SUCCESS! :)
Lily told Santa that she wants a big blue dog...and Alexis told him that she wants a rabbit! {Alexis did at least clarify that she didnt want a real one...mainly because she said she knows Santa will not bring her a real one, because he didnt bring her a real kitty cat when she asked for last year} :)

This picture makes me hopeful for Sunday when we have "real" pictures with a "real"....nice looking Santa! :)
Even though...Santa here did a great job!!

It was sooo sweet, the other day I took Alexis to the Mall..and she told Santa what Lily wanted for Christmas! :) She told him that Lily wanted a doll and a Mr. Potato head! :) Santa asked her what she wanted.....and all she said was boots! :)

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