Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless Wednesday..with words! :) I was apart of a disaster recovery unit today (for work!!) Yes, I have been doing alot of fun things at work! :) There were about 30 of us that played "victims" of a disaster. We went in from all entries of the ER for all of our various problems, etc! It was really neat to be apart of it! The purpose was to help prepare RMC for when there are disasters (for them to have alot of patients flood in for help). There were all kinds of situations, from people who were "dead on arrival" having a heart attack, to a small cut and so on!
My problem was I had fallen and got a tree branch stuck in my leg! I was wheeled off in a wheelchair to emergency surgery! They made me feel like I actually had a branch in my leg! ha!

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