Thursday, November 28, 2013


There are SO many things that I am sooo thankful for. The list of things just doesnt end! I am soo very blessed! :) One of my favorite quotes: There is always always always something to be thankful for!! :)

We have had a great Thanksgiving! We kicked off Thanksgiving last night over at Gran's house. We had more of a non~traditional meal {which is nice because we get plenty of turkey at Nannie's!} :) We enjoyed talking and eating until it was WAY past two little girl's bedtime! We headed home and turned around and did more Thanksgiving today!
We enjoyed watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade until we headed to eat at The Classic with Nan, Brandi and Pawpaw! Alexis cracked me up because when we got out of the car she asked me if we were in New York!? {Because she said the restaurant was fancy!} ha!
We came home in time for naps and then turned around and headed to Nannie's and Hogan's house for more Thanksgiving food! It is always fun to hang out with Meg, Mal and Brit! So thankful for our families! :)

Eating at The Classic! Alexis said it is "fancy!" :)
The girls! thankful for them!

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