Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Williams Fall festival!

Tonight we went to our Church's Fall festival, trunk or treat! The girls had SO much fun and there were alot of people and SO much food! Lily cracked me up! She just was not sure about all the people dressed up and all of the different face masks! She would just freeze in her steps and stare at all the costumes! She did SO well with saying 'trick or treat' and then she would say 'tank you' when someone would give her candy! Alexis and Lily LOVED getting all the candy, jumping in the bouncy houses and petting the animals! Neither girl wanted to play any of the games though. They were too busy doing everything else!
Our church had tons of food! All different kinds of soups and chilis. They even had hotdogs and chips, etc...and tons of desserts! The line for food was wrapped around the whole gym! There was a great turn out!
Alexis and Lily were excited about carving pumpkins! Alexis helped more than Lily! Lily wouldnt touch it...and kept saying 'yucky Daddy!' :)

Alexis drew the face!
The finished products! Our Jack-o-lantern, spider and cat pumpkins!!
This was just LAST year of us carving pumpkins!! My babies were babies! :)
Getting ready to go 'trunk or treat!'
Lily as 'Princess Minnie' she calls herself!
The girls loved getting candy!
Lily became a pro at getting candy!! :)
Alexis begged to take the bunny home!
Cant have a Fall festival at Church without taking a picture with her 'best friend' Avi!! :)
The family!

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