Lily has become obsessed with stuffed animals. I never thought she would be worse than Alexis, but she IS! :)
Lily has to have a TON of animals in her bed before she will fall asleep. She will name each one that she wants and makes sure that I put them in the bed every.single.night.
She has alot of Giraffes but specifically she has four. She has named them too!! Her MOST favorite is her Giraffe that she has had forever that she has rubbed the hair off the tail. That one she has named 'Giraff-e' then she has a 'Mommy Giraffe' and a 'big Giraffe' and then she has a 'Baby Giraffe!'
One of my most favorite things to do is to check on Lily before I go to bed. She is ALWAYS in some 'weird spot' and I have to straighten her up and cover her up. This particular night....I almost couldnt find her amongst the stuffed animals! :)
{I am sad that the picture is kind of blurry....but I took it as her room was pitch black!} :)
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Day 46
Nothing better than making funny faces with my two favorite little girls!
Day 47
Church girls! No better highlight than that!
Day 48
Getting to organize Jan's retirement party.....and seeing her beautiful grand daughter!
Day 49
Having a little helper with me at work for a little bit is the best!
Day 50
What best way to watch a movie?!.....on the back of your Daddy!! :)
Day 51
Highlight of my life is to see this 'squished' up face when I get home from work!
Day 52
Getting to spend time with Alexis at her school! So sweet!
Day 53
Love love love her!! Soooo happy for her too!
Day 54
Super highlight to get home from a great little get~away and spend a great afternoon out with my little family! {It is finally the time for 'warmer weather' fun!! Baseball season has started!!!}
Nothing better than making funny faces with my two favorite little girls!
Day 47
Church girls! No better highlight than that!
Day 48
Getting to organize Jan's retirement party.....and seeing her beautiful grand daughter!
Day 49
Having a little helper with me at work for a little bit is the best!
Day 50
What best way to watch a movie?!.....on the back of your Daddy!! :)
Day 51
Highlight of my life is to see this 'squished' up face when I get home from work!
Day 52
Getting to spend time with Alexis at her school! So sweet!
Day 53
Love love love her!! Soooo happy for her too!
Day 54
Super highlight to get home from a great little get~away and spend a great afternoon out with my little family! {It is finally the time for 'warmer weather' fun!! Baseball season has started!!!}
Girl's weekend!
What a grrrreeeaaattttt weekend I had! I got to spend the weekend celebrating one of my most favorite people...Misty!! She is less than a month away from becoming Mrs. Ray! We spent the weekend at Ross Bridge resort in Birmingham! Misty and I loaded up and headed to Bham Friday afternoon and met the rest of the 'gang!'
We relaxed Friday afternoon and night by just hanging out together and catching up on life in the room. We ALL enjoyed getting to sleep in Saturday morning which was GREAT! :) Once we all finally were able to get ready, we headed out for a day of shopping! I have to admit, I was worn out by that afternoon.....but that didnt stop me! :)
Once we all got ready again, we headed out to a wonderful dinner at 26! It was a great atmosphere with great food! Misty had alot of attention with her wedding veil on! :) {Which was exactly the point of making her wear it!} :) We stayed and hung out there for a long time! By the time we were finished at 26, we headed back to Ross Bridge because all of us 'old ladies' were tired! :) It was a great.....great...GREAT weekend to spend time with the girls and celebrate this special time for Misty! :)
Daddy did a GREAT job with the girls while I was gone! I never worry about him taking care of them! :)
The Bride and I! :)
One of my most favorite!! KELLY!
The party!!
We relaxed Friday afternoon and night by just hanging out together and catching up on life in the room. We ALL enjoyed getting to sleep in Saturday morning which was GREAT! :) Once we all finally were able to get ready, we headed out for a day of shopping! I have to admit, I was worn out by that afternoon.....but that didnt stop me! :)
Once we all got ready again, we headed out to a wonderful dinner at 26! It was a great atmosphere with great food! Misty had alot of attention with her wedding veil on! :) {Which was exactly the point of making her wear it!} :) We stayed and hung out there for a long time! By the time we were finished at 26, we headed back to Ross Bridge because all of us 'old ladies' were tired! :) It was a great.....great...GREAT weekend to spend time with the girls and celebrate this special time for Misty! :)
Daddy did a GREAT job with the girls while I was gone! I never worry about him taking care of them! :)
The Bride and I! :)
One of my most favorite!! KELLY!
The party!!
Wash wash wash your hands...
Friday was a great day! Not only was it Friday...but I had the opportunity to visit Alexis and her Kindergarten friends!!
Melissa Duckett {a co~worker of mine} and I loaded up our 'germ gear' and headed to Kittystone to speak to all the Kindergarten classes about how to wash your hands, how to cough the correct way, etc. This being yet another reason why I am thankful for my job, I was able to help speak to them!
All of Alexis' little friends kept asking me if I was Alexis' Mommy?! :) They were all so excited about us speaking to them and they were so attentive too! I loved to hear the questions and their responses to the things we said! It was alot of fun to go!
Alexis with her friends learning about germs!
Melissa Duckett {a co~worker of mine} and I loaded up our 'germ gear' and headed to Kittystone to speak to all the Kindergarten classes about how to wash your hands, how to cough the correct way, etc. This being yet another reason why I am thankful for my job, I was able to help speak to them!
All of Alexis' little friends kept asking me if I was Alexis' Mommy?! :) They were all so excited about us speaking to them and they were so attentive too! I loved to hear the questions and their responses to the things we said! It was alot of fun to go!
Alexis with her friends learning about germs!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Terrific Thursday!
Today is terrific Thursday! Almost the end of the week! We have had a great week thus far!
We have been busy busy with the regular, normal groove of dance class, etc! Monday Daddy took off and spent the day with the girls because they were out for Presidents Day. I was not so lucky to be off. :(
Tuesday I took Lily to see an allergy and asthma specialist. She is set to have allergy testing 2 weeks from now. I hoping that we get some answers to help her not be so congested, etc anymore. She was SO good while Dr. Grubbe checked and talked to her. I was SO proud of her! :)
Wednesday we actually had a slow day and was able to come home and just relax! :)
And today, Daddy had his monthly Leadership of Calhoun County meeting and I had to work at the Health Department. So needless to say...we are both tired! At least tonight is a great night to catch up on our recorded DVR shows! :)
One BIG event of this week!!!
Daddy is famous! It isnt everyday that your husband is in the newspaper! SO COOL! :)
Jacksonville State University recently received national recognition for being tree-friendly.
The Arbor Day Foundation named the university a 2013 Tree Campus USA School this month, marking the third time JSU has received the designation since 2011.
“It was really the students that made this happen,” said Susan Di Biase, a member of the city of Jacksonville’s Tree Commission and the university’s Tree Advisory Committee.
A small group of students, faculty and staff members and Jacksonville residents began working together several years ago to achieve the recognition. Using a set of Arbor Day Foundation standards as a guideline, the group formed the committee, developed a tree-care plan and worked with the city to host an Arbor Day program.
Since 2011, the JSU grounds crew has planted more than 200 trees, adding oaks, dogwoods and other varieties to the older trees already on the landscape.
“The overall goal is just to expand the canopy itself,”said Tyler Law, the campus grounds supervisor.
To receive the designation, schools must also participate in projects that promote civic engagement and community education.
For the past two years the Tree Advisory Committee has worked with the city’s Tree Commission to host a tree giveaway to fulfill the requirement.
During last year’s giveaway, the groups handed out more than 2,000 trees, Law said. Organizers expect to give away that many this year, too. The event will be hosted by the by the Tree Commission and the Calhoun County Beautification Board, and will be held at the Jacksonville Public Square on Feb. 21 between noon and 5 p.m.
The trees to be handed out will include buttonbush, ash, dogwood, red maple, crepe myrtle and oaks, according to an event announcement provided by Di Biase. The trees will be paid for by Alabama Power and the Alabama Forestry Commission.
On Feb. 25, the university and city groups will host with the city an Arbor Day celebration including an oak tree planting ceremony at the university’s International House at 3:30 p.m. The Arbor Day event will include a speech, poetry contest and an award presentation.
The Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Campus USA program began in 2008 with a sponsorship by Toyota. Since then, the foundation and Toyota have helped campuses throughout the country plant trees and have invested $26 million for conservation and management efforts on campuses, a release posted on the university website states.
Three universities in Alabama received the recognition last year: JSU, Auburn University and the University of West Alabama.
We have been busy busy with the regular, normal groove of dance class, etc! Monday Daddy took off and spent the day with the girls because they were out for Presidents Day. I was not so lucky to be off. :(
Tuesday I took Lily to see an allergy and asthma specialist. She is set to have allergy testing 2 weeks from now. I hoping that we get some answers to help her not be so congested, etc anymore. She was SO good while Dr. Grubbe checked and talked to her. I was SO proud of her! :)
Wednesday we actually had a slow day and was able to come home and just relax! :)
And today, Daddy had his monthly Leadership of Calhoun County meeting and I had to work at the Health Department. So needless to say...we are both tired! At least tonight is a great night to catch up on our recorded DVR shows! :)
One BIG event of this week!!!
Daddy is famous! It isnt everyday that your husband is in the newspaper! SO COOL! :)
JSU recognized for commitment to trees
The Arbor Day Foundation named the university a 2013 Tree Campus USA School this month, marking the third time JSU has received the designation since 2011.
“It was really the students that made this happen,” said Susan Di Biase, a member of the city of Jacksonville’s Tree Commission and the university’s Tree Advisory Committee.
A small group of students, faculty and staff members and Jacksonville residents began working together several years ago to achieve the recognition. Using a set of Arbor Day Foundation standards as a guideline, the group formed the committee, developed a tree-care plan and worked with the city to host an Arbor Day program.
Since 2011, the JSU grounds crew has planted more than 200 trees, adding oaks, dogwoods and other varieties to the older trees already on the landscape.
“The overall goal is just to expand the canopy itself,”said Tyler Law, the campus grounds supervisor.
To receive the designation, schools must also participate in projects that promote civic engagement and community education.
For the past two years the Tree Advisory Committee has worked with the city’s Tree Commission to host a tree giveaway to fulfill the requirement.
During last year’s giveaway, the groups handed out more than 2,000 trees, Law said. Organizers expect to give away that many this year, too. The event will be hosted by the by the Tree Commission and the Calhoun County Beautification Board, and will be held at the Jacksonville Public Square on Feb. 21 between noon and 5 p.m.
The trees to be handed out will include buttonbush, ash, dogwood, red maple, crepe myrtle and oaks, according to an event announcement provided by Di Biase. The trees will be paid for by Alabama Power and the Alabama Forestry Commission.
On Feb. 25, the university and city groups will host with the city an Arbor Day celebration including an oak tree planting ceremony at the university’s International House at 3:30 p.m. The Arbor Day event will include a speech, poetry contest and an award presentation.
The Arbor Day Foundation's Tree Campus USA program began in 2008 with a sponsorship by Toyota. Since then, the foundation and Toyota have helped campuses throughout the country plant trees and have invested $26 million for conservation and management efforts on campuses, a release posted on the university website states.
Three universities in Alabama received the recognition last year: JSU, Auburn University and the University of West Alabama.
Another BIG event of the week!!!
Monday while Daddy was 'working'/hanging out at home with the girls....I had to head to work. BUT, I had the opportunity to plan and organize Jan's retirement party and we finally got to have it. I think it was very beautiful and special for her! :)
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Wordless Wednesday!
{Can you tell I am dreaming of the beach...and warm weather, and clearly Alexis was too in this picture!} :)
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Tiny feet
This morning melted me!! I told Lily to go put her shoes on so we could head to Church. When I went into the kitchen, she had shoes on!....but they were mine! :)
I looked down and she looked up at me with this face of "UH OH!" :)
I said "Lily, I asked you to put your shoes on!" She just smiled at me and tried to stand up in my huge heels and said "Mommy, I have yours on!" :)
I looked down and she looked up at me with this face of "UH OH!" :)
I said "Lily, I asked you to put your shoes on!" She just smiled at me and tried to stand up in my huge heels and said "Mommy, I have yours on!" :)
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Day 40
Enjoyed my day spending it with some of my very favorites!!
Day 41
It was a COLD Monday, and nothing warms my heart than to sit down at the table with my little family! Alexis LOVED Daddy's Chili!!
Day 42
Ice~snowed in...with no ice or snow, but we for sure was ready!!
Day 43
And...then there was SNOW!! The girls were thrilled to see it coming down so fast!!
Day 44
Nothing like waking up on a Thursday morning and seeing more snow! With it snowing two times in one month is still crazy to me! And nothing better than getting to stay at home on a snow day!!
Day 45
Valentine's Day! Highlight of the day for me...AND Tyler! I got these CUTE boots and Tyler got to throw away a pair of brown boots that he hates of mine. Yes there is a pair of shoes that I have WORN out..but I love and Tyler cringes every time I wear them! :) I made his day on Valentine's Day to get rid of them! Oh....the things we do for love! :)
Enjoyed my day spending it with some of my very favorites!!
Day 41
It was a COLD Monday, and nothing warms my heart than to sit down at the table with my little family! Alexis LOVED Daddy's Chili!!
Day 42
Ice~snowed in...with no ice or snow, but we for sure was ready!!
Day 43
And...then there was SNOW!! The girls were thrilled to see it coming down so fast!!
Day 44
Nothing like waking up on a Thursday morning and seeing more snow! With it snowing two times in one month is still crazy to me! And nothing better than getting to stay at home on a snow day!!
Day 45
Valentine's Day! Highlight of the day for me...AND Tyler! I got these CUTE boots and Tyler got to throw away a pair of brown boots that he hates of mine. Yes there is a pair of shoes that I have WORN out..but I love and Tyler cringes every time I wear them! :) I made his day on Valentine's Day to get rid of them! Oh....the things we do for love! :)
Valentine's Day~2014
Heart Day has come and gone and it was a nice one! The girls had a great time at school during their Valentine's parties! Alexis had an ice cream and banana split party as she received her cards and candy from all of her friends!
Lily had a lunch party as she did her Valentines with her friends!
Tyler and I had a Valentine date night by going to Los Mex for some GREAT Mexican and some shopping time while the girls hung out with Nan and Pawpaw! It was a great day! :)
My Valentine loves........ :)
I think it is safe to say that my girls are very loved!! And by the way...all the bags are FULL too! :)
Alexis was soooo excited to get 'Valentine bracelets' from her friends! It was a cute little thing that Kittystone did to raise money! She received one from Sara Kate, Carli and her really good friend Nick Johnson! SOOOO sweet!!
Lily had a lunch party as she did her Valentines with her friends!
Tyler and I had a Valentine date night by going to Los Mex for some GREAT Mexican and some shopping time while the girls hung out with Nan and Pawpaw! It was a great day! :)
My Valentine loves........ :)
I think it is safe to say that my girls are very loved!! And by the way...all the bags are FULL too! :)
Alexis was soooo excited to get 'Valentine bracelets' from her friends! It was a cute little thing that Kittystone did to raise money! She received one from Sara Kate, Carli and her really good friend Nick Johnson! SOOOO sweet!!
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Little Valentines!
My little Valentines! I love these two to the Moon and back!
Sisterly love!
I love love me!
I love my Sissy! :)
Sweet girls!!!
Sisterly love!
I love love me!
I love my Sissy! :)
Sweet girls!!!
Day 3! And there is snow!
Well, after two days of nothing...the long anticipated snow finally came! We didnt get near the same amount as we did a few weeks ago, but it was still beautiful to see! By morning the snow was pretty much gone. And with the roads drivable, we had another day of no work and all play!
We enjoyed spending lunch with friends to get out of the house for a little while! McDonalds was a life savor! The kids needed to exert some energy! :) And, tomorrow we will be back in the groove and it is Valentine's Day!!!!
Wednesday afternoon~night...the snow finally started falling!!
The girls were having tooooo much fun while we had our snow day today!
The beautiful snow! :)
We enjoyed spending lunch with friends to get out of the house for a little while! McDonalds was a life savor! The kids needed to exert some energy! :) And, tomorrow we will be back in the groove and it is Valentine's Day!!!!
Wednesday afternoon~night...the snow finally started falling!!
The girls were having tooooo much fun while we had our snow day today!
The beautiful snow! :)
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Disaster zone...
We have been on yet another Snow~ice lockdown for the past two days. We have not been too stir crazy because unlike a couple of weeks ago, this time nothing really has happened. Yet that is. We may be out of work the rest of the week after checking the upcoming weather that is headed our way. We will have to stay tuned..... :)
The poor playroom has been a disaster zone the past couple of days due to the well spent time playing in there by the girls! I can at least say that they have been playing with every single toy they own! I have loved hearing them laugh and play!
Now dont get me wrong!...there has been some "STOP" {by Alexis} or "TOP"{by Lily} that I have heard too. But the laughing and playing has out numbered that though!
Today I made my rounds to three different doctor's offices and yet I was turned away by them all due to the bad weather that is coming. So, still not feeling well...I headed back home. To my surprise, the disaster zone of a playroom was 'spic and span' cleaned! Alexis straightened up the playroom all by herself while I was gone! She did a GREAT job! :) And the girls were watching a movie all curled up too! :)
The poor playroom has been a disaster zone the past couple of days due to the well spent time playing in there by the girls! I can at least say that they have been playing with every single toy they own! I have loved hearing them laugh and play!
Now dont get me wrong!...there has been some "STOP" {by Alexis} or "TOP"{by Lily} that I have heard too. But the laughing and playing has out numbered that though!
Today I made my rounds to three different doctor's offices and yet I was turned away by them all due to the bad weather that is coming. So, still not feeling well...I headed back home. To my surprise, the disaster zone of a playroom was 'spic and span' cleaned! Alexis straightened up the playroom all by herself while I was gone! She did a GREAT job! :) And the girls were watching a movie all curled up too! :)
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Love is sweet!
Today Brit Brit had her wedding shower at La La's house!
The girls and I headed to Birmingham for the shower, but of course since we were there....we HAD to eat at Moes first! This was Lily's first time to eat there and she loved it! Alexis and Lily wolfed down their little burritos! When we lived in Birmingham we would eat there all the time because it was one of the only places that we never had to tell Alexis to eat! :)
On a side note, today was kind of bittersweet for me. Even though I know that Birmingham is no longer my home....the past times I have gone back it still has felt still somewhat like "home." Well today it actually didnt anymore. It was weird, but no longer did I have the 'same ole feeling.'
Now dont get me wrong, I do love Birmingham....and I miss living there sometimes, but for the first time it felt like just a place I was visiting............
The Bride and Bridesmaids!!
The Bride....and one flower girl!
And...the Bride with the other flower girl!
And...then there was Meg.... !!! :)
And.... decorations!
The girls and I headed to Birmingham for the shower, but of course since we were there....we HAD to eat at Moes first! This was Lily's first time to eat there and she loved it! Alexis and Lily wolfed down their little burritos! When we lived in Birmingham we would eat there all the time because it was one of the only places that we never had to tell Alexis to eat! :)
On a side note, today was kind of bittersweet for me. Even though I know that Birmingham is no longer my home....the past times I have gone back it still has felt still somewhat like "home." Well today it actually didnt anymore. It was weird, but no longer did I have the 'same ole feeling.'
Now dont get me wrong, I do love Birmingham....and I miss living there sometimes, but for the first time it felt like just a place I was visiting............
The Bride and Bridesmaids!!
The Bride....and one flower girl!
And...the Bride with the other flower girl!
And...then there was Meg.... !!! :)
And.... decorations!
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