Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day~2014

Heart Day has come and gone and it was a nice one! The girls had a great time at school during their Valentine's parties! Alexis had an ice cream and banana split party as she received her cards and candy from all of her friends!
Lily had a lunch party as she did her Valentines with her friends!
Tyler and I had a Valentine date night by going to Los Mex for some GREAT Mexican and some shopping time while the girls hung out with Nan and Pawpaw! It was a great day! :)

My Valentine loves........  :)
I think it is safe to say that my girls are very loved!! And by the way...all the bags are FULL too! :)
Alexis was soooo excited to get 'Valentine bracelets' from her friends! It was a cute little thing that Kittystone did to raise money! She received one from Sara Kate, Carli and her really good friend Nick Johnson! SOOOO sweet!!

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