Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Disaster zone...

We have been on yet another Snow~ice lockdown for the past two days. We have not been too stir crazy because unlike a couple of weeks ago, this time nothing really has happened. Yet that is. We may be out of work the rest of the week  after checking the upcoming weather that is headed our way. We will have to stay tuned..... :)

The poor playroom has been a disaster zone the past couple of days due to the well spent time playing in there by the girls! I can at least say that they have been playing with every single toy they own! I have loved hearing them laugh and play!

 Now dont get me wrong!...there has been some "STOP" {by Alexis} or "TOP"{by Lily} that I have heard too. But the laughing and playing has out numbered that though!

Today I made my rounds to three different doctor's offices and yet I was turned away by them all due to the bad weather that is coming. So, still not feeling well...I headed back home. To my surprise, the disaster zone of a playroom was 'spic and span' cleaned! Alexis straightened up the playroom all by herself while I was gone! She did a GREAT job! :) And the girls were watching a movie all curled up too! :)

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