Sunday, February 9, 2014

Love is sweet!

Today Brit Brit had her wedding shower at La La's house!

The girls and I headed to Birmingham for the shower, but of course since we were there....we HAD to eat at Moes first! This was Lily's first time to eat there and she loved it! Alexis and Lily wolfed down their little burritos! When we lived in Birmingham we would eat there all the time because it was one of the only places that we never had to tell Alexis to eat! :)

On a side note, today was kind of bittersweet for me. Even though I know that Birmingham is no longer my home....the past times I have gone back it still has felt still somewhat like "home." Well today it actually didnt anymore. It was weird, but no longer did I have the 'same ole feeling.'

 Now dont get me wrong, I do love Birmingham....and I miss living there sometimes, but for the first time it felt like just a place I was visiting............

The Bride and Bridesmaids!!
The Bride....and one flower girl!
And...the Bride with the other flower girl!
And...then there was Meg.... !!! :)
And.... decorations!

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