Sunday, February 23, 2014

Girl's weekend!

What a grrrreeeaaattttt weekend I had! I got to spend the weekend celebrating one of my most favorite people...Misty!! She is less than a month away from becoming Mrs. Ray! We spent the weekend at Ross Bridge resort in Birmingham! Misty and I loaded up and headed to Bham Friday afternoon and met the rest of the 'gang!'

We relaxed Friday afternoon and night by just hanging out together and catching up on life in the room. We ALL enjoyed getting to sleep in Saturday morning which was GREAT! :) Once we all finally were able to get ready, we headed out for a day of shopping! I have to admit, I was worn out by that afternoon.....but that didnt stop me! :)

Once we all got ready again, we headed out to a wonderful dinner at 26! It was a great atmosphere with great food! Misty had alot of attention with her wedding veil on! :) {Which was exactly the point of making her wear it!} :) We stayed and hung out there for a long time! By the time we were finished at 26, we headed back to Ross Bridge because all of us 'old ladies' were tired! :) It was a great.....great...GREAT weekend to spend time with the girls and celebrate this special time for Misty! :)

Daddy did a GREAT job with the girls while I was gone! I never worry about him taking care of them!  :)

 The Bride and I! :)
 One of my most favorite!! KELLY!
 The party!!

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