Saturday, February 8, 2014


Day 33
My Church girls! Highlight of my day to see them holding hands and walking to the front of the Church together for 'Children's minute!' 

Day 34
Soooo sweet to cuddle with this little one and watch Dora with her! She LOVES Dora! She was watching Dora and making a 'fish face' like they were on TV in this picture! :)

Day 35
I love to see how well Alexis is reading now! Every night she has a book that she reads. I am so proud that she loves to read and is doing so well!

Day 36
HAPPY birthday to Ben!.....or as Alexis spelled on her birthday card to him as Bin! {Hey..she sounded it out and wrote the card all by herself!

Day 37
And very next day...same place, same hat....but different meal and my really good friends from work! Happy birthday to Cindy!!!

Day 38
Highlight of my day without a doubt!!! Alexis super excited to have her very own Mushroom Pizza because she completed another Month's reading log!!

Day 39
My Cowgirl! She was SO excited to go to Carli's birthday party! That is ALL she talked about the whole week!!

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