Saturday, February 15, 2014


Day 40
Enjoyed my day spending it with some of my very favorites!!
Day 41
It was a COLD Monday, and nothing warms my heart than to sit down at the table with my little family! Alexis LOVED Daddy's Chili!!
Day 42
Ice~snowed in...with no ice or snow, but we for sure was ready!!
Day 43
And...then there was SNOW!! The girls were thrilled to see it coming down so fast!!
Day 44
Nothing like waking up on a Thursday morning and seeing more snow! With it snowing two times in one month is still crazy to me! And nothing better than getting to stay at home on a snow day!!
Day 45
Valentine's Day! Highlight of the day for me...AND Tyler! I got these CUTE boots and Tyler got to throw away a pair of brown boots that he hates of mine. Yes there is a pair of shoes that I have WORN out..but I love and Tyler cringes every time I wear them! :) I made his day on Valentine's Day to get rid of them! Oh....the things we do for love! :)

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