Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Where is.................Lily???

Lily has become obsessed with stuffed animals. I never thought she would be worse than Alexis, but she IS! :)

Lily has to have a TON of animals in her bed before she will fall asleep. She will name each one that she wants and makes sure that I put them in the bed every.single.night.

She has alot of Giraffes but specifically she has four. She has named them too!! Her MOST favorite is her Giraffe that she has had forever that she has rubbed the hair off the tail. That one she has named 'Giraff-e' then she has a 'Mommy Giraffe' and a 'big Giraffe' and then she has a 'Baby Giraffe!'

One of my most favorite things to do is to check on Lily before I go to bed. She is ALWAYS in some 'weird spot' and I have to straighten her up and cover her up. This particular night....I almost couldnt find her amongst the stuffed animals! :)
{I am sad that the picture is kind of blurry....but I took it as her room was pitch black!} :)

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