Sunday, March 2, 2014

You Know....

You know how you feel when you have the BEST beach vacation EVER....where you do nothing but lay in the sand and the sun or lay by the pool, eat nothing but the best Seafood around. Life is great right! When finally that dreaded day has come that you have to pack up and head back to 'reality' you may say "OOHHH it stinks to have to go back home" "OHHH I dont want to leave, I want to stay!" You know.... yeah.... you know how that is!

Or, you know when you go to your Grandparent's house and you are nothing but spoiled the entire time you are there and given nothing but everything you know you dont get to have at home with your parents, such as juice the entire time or candy galore! You know how you are nothing but a Queen or King the whole time you are there and pampered at your ever beckoning call! know, having to go back home to structure and rules and the dreaded bed time that you dont want to do because you are 'not tired' know...yeah how that is!

I remember adorable, cute, precious, I could squeeze his cheeks as a little child Blake Murphy! {I could still squeeze his cheeks as an adult!} :) When he was little he was able to spend several days at my house with Andrew and I during the Summer. We would have the BEST...BEST time playing and having him with us! I can still picture him hiding under my parent's dining room table so his Mom and Dad could not 'find' him when they would come to pick him up! He thought they couldnt see him hiding under there...meaning he would get to stay and not have to go back home! He would grab the legs of the table and the chairs and NOT let go and bawl his little eyes out as Vic would drag him out from under the table! He would grab on to me and squeeze me for dear life to not let go because of course being at Aunt Donna's where he got to do what he wanted and play with Andrew and I all day was the best!

With all of this being said, just because you 'dread' to have to go back home or scream and cry because something you LOVE doing is over...does NOT mean you dont want to be at home! Does NOT mean that your home life is SO horrible that you dont want to be there! Does NOT mean there are 'concerns' that need to be addressed!! In all retrospect, it actually means that you value good things...but maybe those good things are just that! Good things that make life a little better but in NO way will EVER take the place of home!

This is my home and these are my people! There should be no doubt with these two little girls how much they are valued, loved, respected and blessed! Daddy and I love these two more than anyone will ever know.

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