Thursday, March 20, 2014

What's goin on...

I thought I would do a little 'what's goin on' in the world today as we kick off the 1st day of Spring!! WHOO HOO! Even doesnt so much feel like Spring, but at least the sun is shining today since we havent seen it in a couple of days!

As the 1st day of Spring kicks off, here are a few things that are going on.....

The 'Malaysia Air Mystery'.  Flight 370. Where is the plane? For a jet to be carrying 239 people to just 'disappear' and not be found just baffles me! There is always hope that all the passengers will be found, but as the weeks go is looking slim. :(

On the first day of Spring, it was found out that a 16 year old boy climbed to the very antenna top of the World Trade Center in New York!! He said he found his way up through the scaffolding, climbed to the 6th floor, took the elevator up to the 88th floor, took the stairs up to the 104 floor and then climbed up the rest of the way to the top! He was arrested the way...because REALLY, has he lost his mind!?

 American Idol is in full swing as Spring is hitting! The Law household LOVES American Idol! They are down to the top 10. They have a huge talent this year, but I think Dexter is the man! We shall see what happens! I for sure like the new panel of judges this season. You can not go wrong with Harry Connick Jr, Jennifer Lopez and Keith Urban! :)

And to not be overshadowed, Dancing with the Stars is kicking off! We love this show also in our house! Alexis cracks me up as she copies the dance moves! She is pretty good at mimicking them!  The show hasnt gotten under way enough yet for me to decide who I love, but so far I love them all!

Lily is 99.9% potty trained! {FINALLY} but....BUT...she still has her 'pooping' accidents that I pray will end because they are not all! :) She has been doing really well on the asthma medicines that I have been giving her and she seems to have less "belly issues' where she says her 'belly or bottom' hurts since she is on Lactaid. She is still obsessed with her Giraffes. She has a total now of 5 that she loves! {I will post a picture soon with her and all of her favorite Giraffes!!}

Alexis is loving school. She comes home daily happy and saying how much fun she had at school. It is funny though because I will ask her what her favorite part of her school day is...and she says P.E!
She comes to me every other day and says her "tooth is loose." she is desperately wiggling them to prove they are loose. She thinks that since 'all of her friends' {Carli, Avi and Sara Kate} have lost teeth, she thinks it is time her teeth are ready to come out. Each time such luck, they are still pretty sturdy in that little mouth of hers. Her reading has just taken off! It makes me smile SO big to listen to her read! 

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