Saturday, March 29, 2014

Disney Part 1!!

Welcome to Disney! We made it! Tyler had it set in my head that it was going to be a 12 hour trip...and that we were not going to get there until Midnight. So...with that being 'set in my head' when we left Sunday, I thought it was going to be a loooong trip. Well, to my surprise...and SOOO happy...he was SOOO wrong! We had a great ride down there. The girls did a great job. No tears! Just coloring, watching movies, napping, snacking and reading! We got to Orlando at around 4 pm! Just in time to go get our Disney tickets...and grab some yummy dinner at Bahama Breeze! We got our hotel for the night and went to bed early so we would be ready to 'hit the ground running' the next morning!

So we could 'get our feet wet' Monday, we decided to start with Hollywood Studios so we could get a feel for how it was going to be. Hollywood Studios could have probably been done in a half a day instead of a whole day....but we didnt rush and just took our time with doing the shows and the rides.

The girls LOVED seeing Mickey and Minnie while we were there. The highlight of Hollywood Studios BY FAR for Alexis was going to the American Idol set!! She LOVED seeing it and LOVED seeing the 3 contestants compete on stage! One day I can FOR SURE see her up on stage competing! :)

Alexis and Lily also loved seeing Sophia and The Incredibles!  The look on their faces were priceless when they would see a character!

The weather was perfect this day! It was overcast so we didnt have to worry about getting sun burned and the weather was perfect! We didnt sweat a bit!

This was our suite. It was huge and really nice! The girls had their own bed in the room with Gran and Tyler and I had a huge king size bed with a huge bathroom!

Hollywood Studios!!
Getting ready to go!!!
They were SOOO excited!

Sophia!! They were beyond thrilled to meet her!

Some of the views! The scenery was really neat! It was set up like a bunch of sets!

Honey I shrunk the kids! This was a really neat play area set up like the movie! Everything was HUGE! The see the paperclip!...
and this HUGE ant! :)

Sliding down a blade of grass!
We could  not get the girls away from these stumps. Every time you would step on them...they would sing!
Alexis was in Heaven!! American Idol!!
The set! It was soooo neat to be on camera and watch the show!!
Alexis is going to be on stage on day! I can see it now!! She LOVED this! She voted and everything!
Lily got Minnie Mouse ready to see the Car show!

Waiting for the Car stunt show to start!

This was SO neat to watch the behind the scenes of how a stunt show is put into production! Tyler was like a little boy in a candy store watching this! :)
Disney Junior Live with Mickey and Minnie and the rest of the gang!
Alexis picked up some 'Gold Doubloons' from Jake and the Neverland Pirate part of the show!!

Alexis was SOOOOOO excited! The Incredibles!!!!!!

We finished up Hollywood Studios and headed to eat dinner at Shula Burger and then headed back and crashed!!! We did watch some of the fireworks that were right outside our balcony!! We could see the Magic Kingdom Disneyworld fireworks from our backporch!!

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