Monday, March 3, 2014


Day 55
It was a beautiful day outside Monday! So highlight of my day while I was cooking to look out and see this! :)

Day 56
Lily had a gumball that was bigger than her mouth! We enjoyed dinner with Gran, Ben, Nannie, Hogan, Aunt Pam and Richard!

Day 57
Love watching Alexis learn and helping her do her homework!

Day 58
Such a beautiful afternoon! I love love love love love that it is getting darker later and Spring is coming soon!!

Day 59
Yet another time to celebrate Alexis with her end of the month book log! She of course had her very own mushroom pizza! The girls did such a great job coloring! Alexis is a pro!

Day 60
Night o' fun!!! Misty's lingerie shower was SO much fun!! We all had a great time celebrating her!!

Day 61
Nothing better than two cute girls before Church!!

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