Monday, March 17, 2014

Our weekend recap!

We have had a busy week gearing up for Wedding season that has fast approached! Our weekend was kind of low key with our same groove of life! :) Lily is getting better and better by the day about being potty trained. She still has her moments of pooping in her panties, but at least it has cut down some. far....has had to 'pee pee' incidents. She is great about telling us now when she needs to go and she stays dry throughout the whole night, so she gets to wear big girl panties at night now! :)

Our weekend started off with Brittney and Mitchell's rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. We were hoping for no rain over the course of the wedding weekend...and luckily it worked out perfect with no rain! We did the typical walk through of how the 'wedding is suppose to be' and then had dinner at the Alumni house! Brittney did a great job on decorations. It was really pretty!

On 'Wedding day Saturday' we arrived for set up and pictures. The overall wedding was really short and sweet and to the point. It lasted 10 minutes flat! Tyler said at the end that that was what a wedding should be like! :)

We enjoyed dancing the night away and Effina's resturant's delicious food! We were lucky enough {and Alexis was SOOOO excited} that Meg and Mal spent the night with us after the wedding!! I LOVED having them spend the night with us!!
 Congrats to Brittney and Mitchell! I just love Mitchell and think he is such a great, down to earth, funny guy! Brittney looks so happy and that is what matters!

I capped off the Wedding weekend with more wedding fun at Misty's Bridesmaid's luncheon. It was so nice and so elegant! :) Her step-grandmother did a beautiful job for us and made some great 'girl food' as it was called! We all enjoyed catching up and talking with Misty about wedding stuff and what all of our jobs are going to be for Friday and Saturday! Tyler and the girls enjoyed lunch with Nan, Brandi and Pawpaw for Pawpaw's birthday at Classic while I went to the luncheon. We had a great....and busy weekend! One wedding down..... 3 more to go before this wedding season ends!!! I just love weddings!! :)

Rehearsal time!!
This picture CRACKS me up! Alexis was BEYOND thrilled that Mal did her hair for the rehearsal and wedding. She told me that she was going to do her 'serious face' modeling pose and hold her hair so everyone can see how pretty it is. So, there is the 'serious pose to show off her hair!} :)
{Mal did a GREAT job on the girl's hair, Meg helped with Lily's, their hair was SO pretty}
The Bride and the flower girl practicing!
The girls were so excited to be in the wedding! Layne {the ring bearer} held a sign that said 'Uncle Mitchell' and Alexis held this sign as they walked down the aisle! Lily threw the flowers...well she kind of forgot to do it because she was following Layne and Alexis...but she still did a great job!
The wedding girls!
My little family!

My beautiful....and TAN...cousins! :)
This was precious to me!! Britt had this idea to have everyone write on these little sheets and then hang them on this pretty frame. Her idea is to make a Wedding quilt with all the sheets of what people wrote to them! {Such a cute idea!} Well, this is what Alexis wrote! :)
So sweet!!

Misty's Bridesmaid's luncheon with all of her Bridesmaids!
Ellen DeGeneres has nothing on us with her Oscar selfie!! We SO top her!! :)

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