Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Negative...whoo hoo!!!

Lily had her allergy tests today....and she did SOOOO good! She was a little trooper for sure! As the nurse did the test, she didnt shed a tear! The whole time the nurse kept doing the 'pricks' Lily would say "Mommy, what is she doing?' "What's that?" She acted just fine too while we had to wait on the results!

Dr. Grubbe came in and looked over her back and said that she didnt have any major reactions {tested negative} to what they tested her for. She did have three 'small reactions' to Trees, Cottonseed and Egg, but Dr. Grubbe said that none of them were significant enough to be of concern about them.

He did determine that based on her Allergy tests and the fact of her being continuously 'congested' that she is more asthmatic than having allergies. With that being said, he gave Lily some medicine that will hopefully help with it. Also, he determined that she is Milk intolerant which means she is 'Lactose Intolerant.' So, she is going to need Lactaid which is a pill that will help her digest Lactose and hopefully cut down on her 'big poops' that she has had. So overall I am very pleased with her results! It has answered many of my questions about how Lily has been! Hopefully the 'plan' we have come up with will help her!

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