Sunday, March 30, 2014


Day 83!!
We are at Disney!! First stop...highlight of the day...Hollywood Studios!! :)

Day 84
Biggest highlight of the day..............the smiles of these two cuties!!

Day 85
Seeing all the animals at Animal Kingdom!!!

Day 86
The two little girls being sooo good and sitting while waiting to see Crush!

Day 87
Lily still wishing she was still at Disney once we were back home Friday afternoon!

Day 88
Nothing like an impromptu visit with the Easter Bunny!

Day 89
A beautiful last day of Spring break!! The girls enjoying the beautiful day with trampoline time and bike rides!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Disney part 4...Epcot!

Our last day at Disney...we headed to Epcot! Gran had a meeting that she had to go to so we slept late and rested/played in the room while she was gone. We didnt make it to Epcot until around 1 in the afternoon so we didnt get to finish Epcot. The fast passes were gone by the time we got there so the lines were a billion miles long...but we still got to do alot! :)

Tyler and I waited over an hour and made it into Soarin! It was a great ride! We flew over California! It was beautiful! When we went over the orange smelled like oranges too!

We loved watching Crush {the turtle} talk to us! We loved seeing the different countries too. Tyler said this was his favorite place because the landscaping was absolutely beautiful!!

I have to say....when we first were planning our Disney trip, I didnt think we should take Lily. I thought she would slow us down and be whinny, etc. BOY was I wrong!!! I am soo sorry to her for thinking that because she was absolutely great!!  She was so good the whole trip! She kept up with us..she was a trooper! :) She loved riding all the rides! She was not scared at ALL to see any characters! She was good while we were in lines! When she wanted to take a nap..she fell asleep fine in her stroller! She traveled on the way there and back great! I am sooo proud of how her and Alexis both were! They amazed me! I am sooo grateful that we got to experience this trip! A big thank you to Gran for paying for our trip! This was alot of memories that we will always treasure! I am soo glad my little family all got to experience this! :)

Heading to breakfast at Dennys! While we waited on Gran...we relaxed and went and enjoyed a big breakfast! It was a little chilly that morning...but by the time we headed to Epcot the weather was perfect!

We ended the day late and headed to Wendy's to grab dinner and back to the room! We packed up and headed out early Friday morning to head back to good ole Alabama! We got home about 4 Friday afternoon! We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and unpacking! :) Back to reality!! :)

We are here! Alexis holding up the Epcot ball! :)
This was just one of a thousand different beautiful plant arts!
Riding yet another fun ride!!
SOOO cool!!! Jelly fish!!
This was GREAT! Sad...but my battery on my camera died during this so I was not able to take any more pictures! :(
Lily looking at the different fish!
Alexis enjoying the aquarium!
I love this picture!! They were in deep conversation together! I can not wait to see them grow together and have many more conversations as sisters! :)
These pictures below were taking with Gran's camera phone so they did not turn out all that well...but you still get the point of who the girls got to meet and how happy they were! :)

Disney part 3..Animal Kingdom!

Wednesday we woke up bright and early again to hit Animal Kingdom! BOY was it really...really cold on this day! We froze! The CRAZY part about it was in the mid 60s! If we were back at home...we would have been in shorts and thinking it was a nice warm day! It was a beautiful day though...and luckily it did warm up more as the day went on!

Animal Kingdom was a really neat place! We spent the whole day there enjoying the animals and the rides! The girls LOVED seeing the Kingdom parade with Chip and Dale amongst the rest of the gang! Also the beautiful floats. It was a great parade!

The highlight was the African Safari that we rode! With it being as cold as it was hard to imagine that we were in Africa and not Antarctica! :) The girls loved the rides and A Bug's Life Show the most! We finished up at Animal Kingdom late and once we were done we headed Chuys Mexican restaurant! Oh my it was good!! When we were was time again to hit the sack! :)

Mickey and Minnie brought yet another treat stash for the girls to wake up to! Since we were heading to Animal Kingdom...they got some animals! :)
Waiting to go on an African Safari!!! We saw SO many animals! Flamingos, Zebras, Lions, Cheetas, and more! They were all right by our truck! I could have jumped right out and touched them!

Crocs!!! Yes, right below us!
A termite mound! WHAT?!? I had NO idea that they had mounds like this!
Giraffes!!! Lily was in HEAVEN!!! She kept pointing and screaming Giraffes!!!
Yep..that blur Lily's head!! Right in front of a Giraffe eating from a tree!
This tree was so cool to see! It is a real tree that grows up side down! :)
This is how they entertained themselves while waiting in lines! Act like Dinosaurs!!
 Love this picture of my little family! Goofy told Alexis to hold her 'ears' out like his!! :)

Alexis thought she was SOOO cool to ride the Dinosaur ride by herself!
Mount Everest!! This is the ride {that mountain}. It was a great roller coaster! That is a fake mountain too!! {but it looks soooo real!} Alexis decided that she wanted to ride this roller coaster with us. She met the height we let her ride! It was a great roller coaster...for us adults!!!............not so much for her! For the first 5 minutes or so...Alexis had her hands in the air!! 'Look Mommy, no hands!!'...well after that...she was crying pretty much the rest of the time! :(  When the ride was over....she stated that she will never ride a roller coaster again! :)
Meeting Donald! Alexis had a Princess signature book for everyone she met to sign their name! Before she got pictures with any characters/princesses....she had them sign it! :)

Dinosaur ride! :) The Dinosaur looks like it is about to eat Tyler's head!

Disney Part 2...Magic Kingdom!!

We woke up Tuesday morning bright and early and headed out for Magic Kingdom!! We were there from sun sun down!

We for sure could have done Magic Kingdom in a day and a half or two days instead of just one that we did. The lines were not too was that there was just SOOO much to see and do there. We didnt get to do everything we wanted to do just because we ran out of daylight! :)

The weather was perfect this day too! It was part overcast so we didnt have to worry about sunburn this day either. It was not hot either!

It was really neat that one of the shows that Tyler and I love to watch {The Middle} was filming while we were there!! It was SOOO cool to see the cast and see all the set up that the show had to film the scenes they were doing. It is crazy to me that the people that are on the show...{in real life} really are just normal everyday people like us!! {Except they make a TON of money!} {and get to have fun filming scenes and working at Disney!!} But to see them in 'real life' and see them talking and standing around like us was just neat to see!

The girls loved Magic Kingdom {really they loved everywhere we went} but there was just SO much more to do there!

For future reference....go straight to Tomorrowland and get a fast pass. To me, I think we should be allowed to have more than three fast passes a day! Once the fast passes are 'full' we should be able to go back and check and Disney should be able to open up more spots as the day goes on and people make changes or miss their fast pass time! And, they should have more people working the fast pass machines at every park or allow everyone to have the option to book them on the computer or our phones....

Anyways....with my 'notes to self' being said....the highlights of Magic Kingdom were seeing the Princesses, Tomorrowland with the Teacups, the shows, the Ariel, Peterpan, and Winnie the Pooh ride. The ride it is a Small world and the Haunted Mansion will forever hold memories for me! :)

We ate in Adventureland so we could stay late here to do as much as possible! It was soo pretty to see Cinderella's Castle at night! We watched the parade with Tinkerbell, Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, and the rest of the gang before we headed back to the room and straight to bed! :)

Every morning Mickey and Minnie had a surprise for Alexis and Lily!! This morning was a Cinderella purse and a tea set!
Ready to go to Magic Kingdom!!
We had to have 'fancy hair' if we are meeting Princesses!! We had sparkles!!!

The Little Mermaid ride!!! The girls LOVED this!

The scenes were so pretty!
They LOVED Dumbo!!

OHHHH...the Teacups! Daddy spun the teacup SOOO fast! I was sooo dizzy! The girls thought it was sooo funny as we spun fast!

Do you see in the background how fast we are going??!! :)

SOOO cute my little Minnie Mouse! :)
Cinderella Castle!
The girls were SO good! When they napped they were wide awake and ready to go to the next ride as we waited in line!
Daddy guarded Belle! :)

This was SO fun! I LOVE seeing the looks on the girl's faces when they meet a Princess!
The glass shoe!
Snow White!!

The loved the HUGE Carousel!!
 Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! That is how we were pretty much everytime trying to find our strollers! This picture is just one example of how we had to park our strollers to ride the rides! One time I thought they were gone...only to realize that we were not at the same entrance that we started {even though they looked exactly the same} It was very interesting to say the least! :)

It's a Small World....after all!! :)
The Country Bears!!
Getting ready for the Parade with their glow sticks/stuff!!
It was a little chilly at night! :) ...but that didnt stop us! :)
This picture does not do the Castle justice for how beautiful it was at night!!!