Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Day 141
Today marked Alexis' last day of 1st grade! Super highlight knowing that she has had a great year!!
Day 142
Shopping with these two! I never know what they are going to beg to want! Lily thought she was so 'cool' holding that rod! :)
Day 143
Had a little pool time! Nothing better than that!! MORE swim diapers for this chick!! We are DONE with them! whoo hoo!!
Day 144
My beautiful church girls!
Doing a little modeling!! :)

Day 145
Well, it is official...Alexis is a 'redneck!' Yep, Daddy got her a pink bb gun! She LOVED it!!! They really enjoyed being out in the yard shooting!!
 Daddy really enjoyed teaching her how to do it!
 And....she is PRO! Look at that shot! Her 2nd shot ever...and she is right at the bullseye! Her next shot hit it! {I just didnt get a picture of that} She was so proud of herself! {she takes after her mom!} ;) ;) ;)
Day 146
Schooooools out for Summer!! It is Summer time!!! Oh, sweet Summer time, how we love you at the Law home! Alexis' first day of camp at the Community Center! She had a great day!
Day 147
Hump day!! With a short week this week due to Memorial Day weekend..we are getting our days confused around here! Today marked the first day with Nan. The girls enjoyed spending the day with her and going to the movies!!

Wordless Wednesday!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Promoted to a 2nd grader!!

It is official!

Alexis is done with her 1st grade year!!

She has done so well and just blossomed into a little lady this year!

I am SO proud of her!

She is SO proud to say that she has been promoted to the 2nd grade!!

Last day of 1st grade! Where has the time gone!?!!!!?
Look at my two big girls! It is officially Summertime now! Whoo hoo!!!
I treated these three amigos to lunch to celebrate the end of the year! They all had so much fun 'hanging out' together! :) :)
Carli, Sara Kate and Alexis

 All A's all year! Smarty for sure!!
She has changed so much from the 1st day of 1st grade to the end! She has turned into a beautiful little lady!
They look so little to me! )

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


 It has been awhile since I have done an Ambereveryday2015. I have valued doing this even more in the past several days as I reflect on my life....and situations that came and went, and I can look at this and know that no matter what...there is always still a highlight in everyday for me and that is something to be thankful for....

Day 122
Had so much fun spending the day with these two...even with it being in T-town. :) Soo happy and proud to watch Meg graduate!!
Day 123
Sunday funday!! We loaded up and headed to Mountain Top!

These two had no idea what to expect! SOOOO funny!...Lily asked if we were going to have to climb a mountain when we told her where we were going! :) :) :)
Day 124
SO proud of Lily! She did SO good with her songs during her end of the year program!
Day 125
This picture is just priceless!! Every.single.morning......every.single.morning....Aubie climbs up in Lily's lap and they curl up and watch cartoons together! It really melts my heart!
Day 126
Wednesday new hair do day! whoo hoooo for me! :)
Day 127
She reached her 'Golden Eagle' status on this day! SO proud of her!
Day 128
FULL day on this day! We went from both girl's ballet rehearsals to Relay for Life event to see Alexis get announced as Queen then on to our friend Nick's baseball game! Worn out! :)
Day 129
Seeing these two do great during their ballet recital and seeing all the love and support from family who came to watch them! Love these two!!

 Day 130
Mother's Day and family fun day in Auburn and Mal's graduation! AUsome day! :) :)
Day 131
Teeth day! Super highlight to see these two do so well during their turn and they both are in the NO cavities club! 
She did great!!
Day 132
SUPER highlight! Taking off the rest of the afternoon and seeing this 'hippie' dude carry flowers on the back of his bike during our bike ride together!
Day 133
This moment was priceless to me! I introduced the girls to honeysuckles!!! They LOVED them! At first neither one of them knew what to do and couldnt believe I was telling them to 'eat' a flower! :) So, once they both mastered how to get the liquid out..................they started fighting over trying to pick the most and them the fastest! :) Sweet, sweet, SWEET memory right there!!
Lily kept saying 'MMMmmm...they are SO good!' :)

Day 134
My very first attempt at a french braid. It is not good AT any means, but I was proud of myself none the less that I some what did it!
Day 135
This little chickadee is something else!! She came in my bedroom telling me that she picked out her clothes all by herself and that she dressed herself too! I look down at her and this was my view! :)
To my surprise, she didnt have a ton of clothes thrown every where like I had thought when she picked out her dress and her inside out, upside down, sweater as she got them all out of her closet! :) And, the 10 layers of lipstick just tops it off! :)
Day 136
These two were ready to go canoeing! They loved it and I loved drifting down the creek singing 'row row row your boat' with them. That was a super memory and hilarious trying to get Alexis to repeat the song correctly as we sang it!!
Love my view!!
Day 137
This girl is just precious and has my heart! She makes me smile even on the crummiest of days!!
Day 138
Monday funday with Doodle and bug! :)
Day 139
So thankful that I can come to visit Alexis when I can and be apart of her special events!!
Day 140
Happy birthday to Brandon afternoon!...we celebrated his birthday by having yummy dinner at Cooter Browns! Lily got a haircut! Love her little summer bob!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Awards galore!

My smart little cookie received several awards today!

I am SUPER proud of her! She had to wear a shirt the color of what 'Eagle' she is. She is 'Golden Eagle' so she had to wear a golden colored shirt!

This beautiful girl is not only beautiful, she is smart and sassy and happy and loving and silly and loving and clever and I could just go on and on and on and on about her! :)
I thought it was odd that her little awards show started at 8:00 in the morning and was quick, but the proudness on her face was priceless.
Look at the chick! She received 'A' honor roll medal for all A's all year. Also, conduct award and 'Golden Eagle' award {for reading over 120 books} wow! :)
Alexis and her friend Carmen that is in her class!
Mrs. Harper has been a great teacher! Alexis just loves her {and her daughters!!} She will be soooo missed!! celebrate my award winning girl.....she got to choose where to eat! Of course she chose Effinas! {this girl has some expensive taste!} :) And, when we walked in, she told the waiter that she only wanted to sit upstairs!  So, nothing like having a celebratory dinner with my two favorite chicks!