Monday, October 26, 2015

2nd place and they cheered their hearts out!


What a weekend we had!

We kicked off the weekend with heading to the Jacksonville Golden Eagles vs Saks Wildcats after having dinner with the Fritts, Adams and Morgans!

BIG game!!

Now that we are Golden Eagles, we cheered our Eagles on and they were right there with the Wildcats when we left a little bit after half time......but oooh, yeah, goodness Saks came back and just dominated the remainder of the game for the win.

It was a great night for football and my girls loved hanging out with their friends during it!

Bright and early Saturday we did our normal routine except Tyler went and got JACKS for us and we laid around and relaxed until it was time to go to Alexis' football game in Rainbow City!

They played an awesome game for yet another win and then after we enjoyed Pam cooking dinner for us!

Then came SUNDAY! :) Show time!

After Church we headed to have lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before heading home to get ready for our 1st Cheer competition!!

The girls did awesome! They all worked so hard and gave it their all!

I am SO proud of them!

We came in 2nd place! I would say that is pretty good for everybody's first time to compete! These girls have been a joy to coach and cheered their hearts out last night!

I dont think we could have crammed anything else in this weekend! it is, today is Monday and we are back in the groove for another big week!! HALLOWEEN!!
This stinker is a mess! Her and Callie just laughed and talked the whole time during the game!!
Game day!! My beautiful in pink cheerleader!
Pam and Richard watched the win!!
This cracks me up! While we were waiting on Pam to get everything ready...Alexis put on Richard's Halloween costume {the wolf from Little Red riding hood} and bent down behind the table and snuck over to try and scare Pam! :)
And Lily decided she wanted to scare Pam too!! :)
Competition time! These girls worked so hard and I am SO proud of them!
Have to have a picture with Cocky!!
See, I have to have a picture with Cocky! :)
Warm up time! Ready to head out!!
Showtime!! Look at those smiles!! SO proud!
Look at those smiles too!!
2nd place baby!!!
 LOOK at her!! :) :) Brings tears to my eyes knowing God allowed me to be her Mom!
Love this picture!! :)

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