Monday, October 19, 2015

Life lately with a pumpkin patch!

In the mix of our regular routine and our latest vacation, we have been living life lately! :)

We have been watching the girls grow, seeing how much fun and learning that Alexis is doing in 2nd grade and having Fall fun and doing pumpkins galore!
 It was that time again for us to measure the girls! We have started doing this every 6 months and the girls LOVE to see how much they have grown. I have to say, this round, Alexis was really upset because Lily has grown more than she has! She started crying and saying that last time she had her shoes on and so she should have them on again {to make her taller} :) Tyler tried to explain to her that it is okay and that Lily just has had a bigger 'spurt' than her and that she needs to realize that Lily may end up being taller than her someday. She did NOT want to hear that and did NOT want to think Lily will ever be taller than her because she is older and Lily is younger so that is NOT ever going to happen! OH me, when that day does come.............................. :)
 Miss Alexis' growth!
 My Lily has been growing!! It is soooo funny because she can never stay still for Tyler to measure her!! :)
 So precious!...she has started writing her name too like Sissy!!
 And....Miss Lily's has grown too!

I love getting pictures of Alexis throughout the day from Mrs. Nelson! This picture cracks me up!! Alexis looks like she is having so much fun playing Twister with friends in her class!
Learning how to balance!
Learning to be in a group and listen to everyone's opinion!!
It is pumpkin time! Alexis' favorite thing to do....draw, color and paint! :)
Their pumpkins turned out so cute! :)
We have started off this week with wearing our Halloween attire! That is one of my favorite 'traditions' in our house to get excited about Halloween!!
This is the girl's 'scary' face! Cracks me up!
Pumpkin patch time! Since Daddy is in Auburn at his work conference...we hit the pumpkin patch for pictures and pumpkins galore!
My sweet pumpkin!!
My two little pumpkin girls! If you look close enough at Alexis' front tooth, it is READY to fall out, she just wont let me pull it! :) Both of her front teeth are loose and both of them will be out soon! :)
My biggest pumpkin! :)
So cute!!
Love!! This is the pumpkin Lily chose!
Love them!
And this is the one that Alexis chose! OH me, this girl!!.....she literally looked over every pumpkin.....picked them up, sat them down....went to one, and then back to another and then back again to another before picking this one!! This one right here is lucky to have been chosen! :)
Us girls had a date night and went to their favorite resturant..Yamoto for dinner after the fun at the patch! This little chick cracks me up! When we were paying for our pumpkins, the guys gave them some pumpkin stickers...Lily decided to stick them on her face as we were waiting on our food!

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