Friday, October 16, 2015

Lake Tahoe, Part 2 of the trip!

So more on our trip! We woke up bright and early and headed back again to CAL-NEVA for breakfast because it was delicious, had a huge menu and cheap! Cant beat that! :)

Once we were done with breakfast, we headed on the coolest road trip to Lake Tahoe!! We had the best road trips on this trip! The girls did AWESOME! They sat in the back of our rented mini van and just sang and colored and played on the IPADS during the trips! The kept us laughing at some of their conversations together! They kept making videos on Alexis' IPAD and Lily...OH ME, she kept calling the videos....'photo-d-o's.' I cant spell really how she was saying it but it was hilarious! She would say 'Sissy, lets make a 'photo-d-o!' ha! So Alexis would press record and they would just act soooo silly! It was so funny to hear their laughs and whispers as they did their videos! They loved the road trips too! It was amazing to see the sites and views of Nevada! I just can not get over how different it is there compared to Alabama. There was NO grass anywhere. All I saw was brush or sand or gravel. No grass. Also, the mountains. There were TONS of mountains!............but NO trees. I would see 1...yes, 1 tree on a huge mountain. Then on the next mountain...maybe 10. It was so strange. And the mountains were brown. Not lush green like in Alabama. Now, the one thing that I loved...NO humidity! NONE! was 95 degrees in Sacramento {my next post} but it wasnt miserable like it would have been in Alabama. I usually always break out my 'sweat mustache' in a split second of getting hot...well NO sweat mustache for me! SCORE! :)

We made it to Lake Tahoe and it was amazing! The peacefulness and beauty was breathtaking! We did alot of sightseeing, went to the water and climbed the rocks, saw bear and deer tracks, did some shopping, saw a 'famous' person, ate yummy mexican, and just enjoyed the beautiful day!

We made our way back to Reno and before heading back to Harrah's we stopped at IN-N-OUT Burger! It is a STAPLE in California and ALL the talk to the 'famous' to have a burger from I was SUPER excited to eat there! Alexis and I loved it...everyone else wasnt too impressed even though Tyler admitted that he liked their sauce over the Rocket's sauce!

We ended the day with a nice long sleep! We had a great second full day!

Amazing is all I can say! Lake Tahoe just looks expensive! :) It was SO nice! Look at that mountain behind the building. You can see the ski lift...and slopes! OH my goodness, after seeing all the ski slopes that I saw {that I have never seen before in my life} I just dont think I can ever ski!....I literally thought after seeing them that I could just go tumbling down that huge mountain and not ever being able to stop!  ha! :) The homes were just beautiful and I would LOVE to have one for sure!!
The water was beautiful! I was sad that it was soooo low. Every dock was completely out of the water! They had to anchor their boats in the middle of the lake because it was so low. The view, the crystal blue...cold...water, the huge rocks! was gorgeous! I was sooooo excited because we got our Christmas card picture done too here! LOVE!
My beautiful girls!
Alexis kept cracking us up! She decided that she wanted to 'pose' and take a picture with like every rock there was out there! She would decide on her 'pose' and then tell us to take her picture! Lily was not as daring as Alexis. She would decide she wanted to climb on a rock and then once she was up on it...starting saying 'Hurry, get me down!' :)
Amazing is all I can say!
Love my girls!
Look at this view....and this cute cute cute girl!!
My love!
SUPER highlight!!....we saw a 'famous' person! Tyler loves watching his TV show on the Discovery channel and was so excited that we spotted him shopping! Mick Dodge the 'Mountain Man' was so nice to let us take a picture with him!............only after he said that we had to take our shoes off first! Yes, he walks everywhere.........................with no shoes! {Needless to say...his foot was a little too close to mine, it kind of grossed me out} :) He was super nice and it was so cool to meet him!
We enjoyed fun shopping and a ton of sightseeing and eating!....and when we got back to Reno, HERE you go! IN-N-OUT! YUM! :) {kind of sad that I didnt see anyone famous in there eating while we were there!} :)
YUM! Their sauce to me was sooooo good that I asked for extra! :)

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