Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Full swing of Halloween week!

We are excited about this week in the Law home!

We have been wearing our Halloween attire so far and we had our first event tonight!

We kicked off the week last night by watching The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Toy Story Terror and Dancing with the Stars Halloween addition and cooking and eating Halloween cookies!!

Tonight we had our first Fall Festival for this Halloween so far! We met the Johnson's for dinner at the JSU Caf {cafeteria} because they had it decorated and festive because of the festival that JSU was hosting. They had all kinds of Halloween foods and fun things! They had fun Halloween music playing too while we ate! It was so neat! I am sad we have not been before because we have missed out! I love to eat at the Caf, I sometimes go with co-workers for lunch and you cant beat a great meal for $4.00!! After we ate, we decided to head to the Fall Festival since JSU decided to move it into one of their auditoriums since it was so rainy and cold. The girls had a great time hanging out with the Johnsons, seeing other friends, doing all the fun games, listening to the fun music, getting their face painted, eating their candy they collected and more!

After all of that fun, we came home and decorated pumpkins! Yes, I said decorated! My girls decided they didnt want the yucky pumpkins cut....and Daddy didnt want to have to do the yucky stuff, so they decorated them instead per their request! :)

We have the rest of the week and a lot more fun to come since it is Halloween week!!
OH, this girl! She wouldnt stop acting like a ghost long enough for me to take a picture! :)
Finally I told her that I was going to eat her cookies if she didnt stop and smile so I could see Alexis too! :)
The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! Such a fun classic show that has become a fun tradition to watch!
My girls....and me....and Tyler even though he wouldnt come out and admit it love Dancing with the Stars! What could be better than watching the Halloween show of it!! This was my favorite dance...Edward Scissor hands! Alexis and Lily kept asking a TON of questions as to what was on his hands! I guess I need to have them watch that movie sometime! :)
Dinner and a festival with this crew! The Caf was decorated so fun and cute! Love all the pumpkins and fall gear!! Lily would not smile to save her life! Every picture I took.....and Tammy took looked like this of her!
Nickman and Alexis! They had a huge candy apple stand with every single topping under the sun to put on your apple!!
AND this girl had TWO of these!! OOHH me! :)
We threw our costumes on and headed to the Fall Festival! {They are 'fairy witches' here. They are going as a ghost for Alexis and Aurora the princess for Lily for their actual costumes for Halloween} SO glad that I found out that they moved it inside! Im glad they didnt cancel because the girls had so much fun and there was a great turnout for it............and it was free!! :)
No caption needed! :)
Alexis jumped for joy when she saw Chloe!!
Lily was so excited that she picked up the duck with the number 5 on it! That was the largest number and she was so excited to get a handful of candy!
The cutest black cat! So cute!
Cutest little girl with a flower ever! :)
Came home and still had our costumes on...and dove right into pumpkins!
Final products! :)

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